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Recap : Emotional re union of Raj and his family. Confrontation of Rohan before the justice and the news of his escape bowled evryone.


Inside a dark room, we can see a man tied by cuff. The only of source of light inside the room is from a hole over the top of the wall.

The man was tied by strings and his hands and legs are cuffed to the strings wide apart like x shaped on the wall

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The man was tied by strings and his hands and legs are cuffed to the strings wide apart like x shaped on the wall. Each second by passing, severe ache is crossing in every nerve of his body. He was shouting for help but there is no one to do that for him. He was begging for help and the site was worth watching for hours.

(Somewat like this but in horizontal plane)

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(Somewat like this but in horizontal plane)

Above to his body, there is pot oscillating from one side to other side, with a limited amount of water in this, and he used to wait till it comes near his face to have a drop of water. He was not given food and he don't deserve that as well. This tiny droplets of water is also to keep him alive for few days. He shud not die easily right..

Something like this oscillating

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Something like this oscillating

He has numerous cuts on his face and blood was dripping now and then. He was shivering in pain and fatigue.

He was living the worst and he was begging to death now.

The door opened and revealed three young man standing with a smirk. They are satisfied with his suffering, all his begging and shouting are like a soothing words to thier heart. They wanted him to scream more. He shud regret the deeds he did to this family and the society as well.

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