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Recap : Manik and co caught Rohan red handed. They also received the biggest shock of their life "Mr. Raj Malhotra is alive ".

Both Manik and Aryaman had never been happy in their whole life as they are now. Mr. Raj Malhotra is getting treated for his wounds and he would be discharged soon as well.  Manik had arranged a nurse for taking care of him from home.

(Well we have two doctors there already isn't it.. )

Now they are heading to their home.  They met aswath and Maddy in the middle.  The four along with Raj stood infront of the mansion.  Manik asked Ashwath to hold Raj by side and him along with Maddy and Aryaman moved inside.

Nyonika , who was talking to Nandhu saw the trio entering with their biggest smile.  Arya hugged him mom to his dearest. Maddy moved to Niti and told something in her ears which she gladly accepted to do. 

Nandhini and Ishu stood there watching their partners who were having a never ending smile in their faces. 

Nandhu was so happy to look at Manik like this,  it's been ages he smiled like this wholeheartedly.  She doesn't know the reason behind the smile. All matters to her right now is , her  husband is happy. 

Ishu's state was no less than nandhini.  She was admiring her love. She could  notice the bruise as well but more than that his eyes filled with love and happiness is eyecatching to her. 

Manik closed his mom's eyes with his two hands and all moved to the entrance as guided by Aryamanan. 

Nandhu and Ishu were about to exclaim but shut their mouth seeing Maddy indicating no.  They were happy to see them. Finally , the family is united.

Raj was having tears in his eyes. 

He missed this.  He missed all these in his life.  He noticed the three daughters standing there . He could guess nandhini.  His eyes filled with sorrow seeing her.  Bcoz of him, this poor soul also had to suffer.  He then looked at his sons.  He was noticing them clearly now.  Manik had his resemblance completely and his attitude like Nyo. Arya was cute just like Nyo.  Finally,  his eyes landed on Nyo " How much I missed you Nyo " he thought as tears trailed down his cheeks.

Manik nodded no at him.  He can't bear any scratches on his family now. Aryaman went to his dad and stood by him.

Arya wiped the tears and whispered 'from now,  no more tears.  We are happy family now ' . Raj nodded to him and smiled.

Manik took his hands and Nyo looked at him in confusion first and then shifted her gaze to entrance. She gasped and kept her hand on her mouth.  She stood shock. She can't understand anything.  She is zoned out completely.  Manik shook her vigorously to bring her back to present but she didn't.  She fainted in his arms.  Manik immediately took her to room followed by Nandhini.

Back at entrance , everyone was tensed looking at Nyo. But Isha assured them  that she fainted bcoz of shock, nothing else to worry. Niti did Aarti to Raj and he stepped inside his home. His home. His peace.

Arya asked Raj to rest as well for sometime. 

After sometime ,

Nyo opened her eyes to see her dearest husband sitting infront of her.  He was looking at her with all the love he has. His eyes held the same intensity as they where when they dated for years.  Nothing changed between them. They are back together and this time it's forever.

Raj leaned further and pecked her forever sealing the promises of being together. Nyo looked at him with pain,love,questions,happiness and whatever emotions happens to be in this world.

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