Rose Dragneel

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-Natsu POV-

"Hey watch it ice princess" I shout at Gray

"Shut up, fire brain” Gray glares at me.

We start fighting, soon everyone joins in. Gray and I are still fighting as the guild go's quiet. Then Gray's eyes travel to something at my right. I’m about to hit him but stop, as someone bumps into me, there's a mumble of a apology but as I turn to face them my black eyes go wide.

-Rose POV-

I had my eyes closed the hole time as I sniffed the air. I followed my nose down stairs, around corners and though the door. So this is why I now found myself nose up to someone. I step back and mumble a sorry.

"Do you kn-" I stop.

I was looking up into the eyes of my shocked brother! There is silence.

"Natsu!" I shout jumping into his arms.

"Rose!" he shouts back spinning me around.

As he sets me down I say "I missed you big brother!"

"You too sis!" he's gleaming from ear to ear, there's gasps and cheers as what just happened sets in.

I look around a bit confused, "when did you guys get here?" I ask. There are alot of laughs, I didn't know they would expect that reaction from Natsu, I didn't know they had a laughing agreement about me.

I shake my head and turn. Natsu gets a bit worried thinking im leaving

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"Here" I giggle from a few feet away.

I look towards the door, more like, towards the clocked figure that is standing in the door way. Watching what happened. I smile and wave. Only then dose everyone notice the figure, I shout "I found Natsu!" then I add "Thank You!", making a jester for it to come closer. Slowly the cloaked figure comes forward.


 I sigh with a hidden smile, I feel eyes on me. I look at the siblings as I come closer. Natsu and Rose wear the same thing, which is weird as they have never meet since Igneel left them. They wear a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, (left open and untucked) which exposes Natsu's bare chest, Luckily Rose has a make-shift top made out of bandages. They both wear white knee-length trousers.  Natsu wears a thick black wristband on his left wrist, while Rose has a thick wristband with the colours of each element of each type of Dragon Slayer magic. The brother wears black open-toed sandals while the sister wears black ankle-boots. Finally, both have the scale-patterned scarf that they received from their adoptive father, Igneel. As I get near I realise something about the scarf’s, each has a burnt mark as if they were once one scarf, a dragon could of burnt it to create two. I smile. A fathers last gift, this could also be why they are so similar, the scarf kept them connected without them really knowing. They stand together. Natsu has a quick glance towards Rose, frowning, not liking so much flesh on show.  He quickly looks away feeling eyes on him. My eyes.

"Thank you for helping me!" Rose says as she hugs me, this puts Natsu on edge.

"Hello. Natsu's sister!" A blue flying cat says appearing from behind Natsu.

"Happy meet Rose my little sis, Rose meet Happy my Exceed" Natsu says as Happy swoops down and lands on Rose's head, everyone laughs.

"Heho, Happy!" she strokes his soft blue fur, "Let’s be friends!" he nods very happily. Everyone laughs. I nudge Rose, Natsu glares at me.

"Oh!" Rose says reaching into a bag, my bag.

"FISH!" Happy shouts as Rose pulls out a carefully wrapped fish.

"Thank You!" Happy shouts as he scoops up the fish. Rose laughs.

Suddenly Natsu grabs Roses hands in his. Looking very excited.

"Join our guild!"

"Yay" Rose replies almost jumping up and down. Everyone laughs. Before Natsu can pull Rose away Rose shouts


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