Rose's Profile

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Name: Rose Dragneel

Age: 18/19

Looks: I wear a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, (left open and untucked) which exposes my bare chest but I do wear a make-shift top made out of bandages. I also wear white knee-length trousers.  I have a thick wristband with the colours of each element of each type of Dragon Slayer magic. I wear black ankle-boots. Finally, I have the scale-patterned scarf (like my brother's) that I received from my adoptive father, Igneel.

Personality: Much like her brother, Rose is carefree and reckless in nature, and, despite her consistent brawls with her brother and the other members of Fairy Tail, she is a fiercely loyal and protective friend. Also like her brother she has a straightforward mind, and often tackles issues with a "hands on" approach but also wants to be beside her brother when fighting and often stays out of big battles. Even when disrespected or faced with obvious hostility, Rose rarely ever reciprocates the feelings, and often forgoes grudge-holding. She never loses her temper but from an incident (Fire vs. Fire) we know that something happens when she dose.

Like: Her brother's company, Dragon, her friends, food, dancing and anything girly.

Dislikes: People hurting her friends, travaling and anything mean.

Past: Was adopted by Igneel but when he lelt, was taken in by Dragon, no one knows what happen during that time but every now and then some information slips.

Guild Mark place: Right Shoulder and red (copying her brother).

Spells: Fire Dragon's Roar, Fire Dragon's Claw, Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, Fire Dragon's Wing Attack, Fire Dragon's Sword Horn, Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame, Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow, Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang, Fire Dragon's Grip Strike.

Specially Spells: Dragon Slayer's Secret Art; Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist and Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade. Rose dose know some God spells but will not use them.

Extra: Natsu loves her very much and Rose loves her brother very much, it is easy to tell that they are siblings. The guild often is shocked at how similar they are but love her in their own way. Though she is unaware of the guys eyeing her and Gray’s constant approach, she loves them all and will do anything for them. Dragon and Rose get along  well but their relationship is unknown. The Master enjoys her company and sometimes Rose is seen to be more kind than Natsu and sometimes more air headed than him.

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