Tower of Heaven - Goodbyes

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-Erza's POV-

 "How am I going to leave?" I say to myself. I have finally stopped crying, I can't go back, I don't look back. All the boats have been destroyed... I don't think I have another energy to swim it, I don't even know were it is... slowly I step forward. Getting near to the cliffs edge. I jump (not off the cliff) as hands slid around my waist, warm breathing by my ear, and a whisper,

"Hush, hush little one" I turn slightly to see the smiling face of Dragon... I frown and pull away,

"How can you smile?" I say to her, anger fills my voice, she frowns,

"I am your friend-"

"So!?! All my friends are stuck here" I shout at her, She comes over to me and kneels, turning me to face her she says

"We need to find hope more when times are at their darkest."

"you've said that already..." I huff, looking away,

"Yes but it hasn't quiet gone into your brain" Dragon says as her ruffles my hair. I turn back to the vast ocean and sign.

"You don't die for your friends, you live for them" Dragon whispers to herself, I turn to her,

"It will do no good" Dragon just smiles and stands up, walking over she says,

"I can help with this..." Looking around she says "We must get you out of here before they fine you" I nod. Before turning back I say

"Is it ok to trust people?"

"Yes and No but it is you who must take that step, not me. Anyway you have me!" Dragon says smiling,

"Ok Dragon I trust you" Dragon looks at me. Then she bows taking my hand,

"Then it is an honour" she says as she stands, not letting go of my hand, I nod and soon we have stepped off the island.


I sit on a beach, listening to the panting of Dragon's breathing, as she lays next to me.

"Thank you... for... for everything" Dragon smiles as I say that. "Will you be ok?"

"Yes. I. just have. used up. a lot of. my. magic" Dragon manages to say. But I don't see a smile this time.

"Did Rob ever tell you about the guild?..." Dragon looks up at the sky.

"Yes... Fairy Tail.."

"You should go there..."


"No buts little one... For me and Rob, go there" I sigh at her comment. I pick up the note on the sandy floor,

"Fine. But what about you?" I place a hand on Dragons head, she's burning up, gently Dragon removes my hand but still holds it,

"I will go back to my pupil..." She kisses my hand and smiles, 'He lips are so soft' I think, "Everything is ok little one..." Her voice becomes a whisper and I think she is about to fall asleep. I sign and place my head on her chest, whispering

"As lone as my best friend is ok..." After a bit, I stand up, I nod at the smiling Dragon who has fallen asleep, I hold the note that has directions on it in my small hand. I turn and walk away.

"I will keep my promise" I whisper,

"And I will look for you when the time is right" I hear the quiet sounds of Dragon giggling, "By which I mean, I will keep my promise."

I walk away.

"When you are all grown up we will meet again" I nod at this and continue, I almost stop, thinking that I heard Dragon say something else but I brush it aside.

                                        'You don't die for your friends, you live for them'

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