Second Family

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-Normal POV-

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE!" Yells the Master. Everyone freezes in confusion.

Suddenly he pulls Dragon down and into a hug.

"Welcome back!" He says pulling out of the hug. Dragon laughs smiling.

"Yes... sorry about that..." They pull apart. Rose walks over

"Y-your back..." she sniffs "W-will you stay?" Dragon is about to answer but Natsu interrupts

"He doesn't want to Sis"


"He won't!" Rose silence at her brothers outburst. Dragon steps forward.

"I... My sister sent me..." They turn. Natsu replies,

"See. It's just some mission to you" he crosses his arms but holds a hurt look in his eye. Dragon shakes his head stepping closer.

"They first time... my siblings sent me here... this time my sister let me return..."

"Let you? What do you mean" Erza adds in. Dragon smiles slightly, pointing to his guild mark.

"You guys left an imprint... that I don't want to get rid of." Rose smiles.

"Master?" Erza asks almost pleading. The master simply smiles and laughs,

"I thought I made it clear" He turns to Dragon

"Once a family always a family!" The whole guild cheers. Dragon smiles pulling Natsu, Erza, Rose and the Master into a hug.

"Second families are the best" Everyone laughs.

-later- night-

Natsu walks with Dragon.

"Your not mad...?" Dragon asks. Natsu shakes his head.

"na... family right!" He slaps Dragon on the back. Dragon laughs

"Yep. Now your stuck with me"

"Say... are you..."

"I'm half dragon" They stop. Natsu looks at him

"How is that..." Dragon sighs.

"My other half isn't human, it's-"

Muhahah you shall never know! >:D

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