The Fight

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A/N  Picture has nothing to do with the story, I just like it! :D
Just to let you know this is wear I got to the point that 'Dragon' (my OC) changed drymatacly! So I has tried to keep to the story line... but also changed how he was... so, yep! (He has changed yet again! But I won't add that to this story!)

-Dragon POV-

I look towards Rose, As she mumbles a "Tick Tock" Rose turns and smiles.

"Dragon... Tick Tock" I huff,

"Knock it off Rose"

 "But Tick-"

"KNOCK. IT. OFF!" I shout, causing the whole guild to look towards us. I frown, take a deep breath and sit down with a sigh.

"Sorry Rose..."

"That's A.O.K I know you want to stay-" I give Rose a glare that shuts her up. I turn towards Erza and she comes up with a plate of strawberry cakes.

"Haho! Erza!"

"Hello Rose" Erza sits down by me, I nod at her and she smiles, I smile back. Rose mumbles a 'Tick Tock' that only dragon slayers can hear. I growl at her, Natsu comes running over,



"Please I wann- Wait, what?"

"I said I'll Fight you"

"O-ok..." He leans closer "Are you feeling OK?" I huff,

"Look do you want to fight or not?"

"Well yes..." I stand up,

"Then lets go" I start walking away, Rose comes running up,

"Your going to do it aren't you..."


"Is it your good-bye?"

"Her what?" We stop and turn to see Erza following

"Dragon's going to leave soon" Rose states sadly.


"Don't worry" I say, I do not want to continue this conversion, so leave them standing there.

"Natsu!" I shout as I make my way towards him as the guild watch us closely.

"Yo Dragon ready?" He sets himself into a fighting position.

"Yes" I copy.

Suddenly he runs at me, shouting

"FIRE DRAGON PUNCH!" I duck, pushing upwards and flipping him over me, he lands with a 'oaf-'. I swiftly turn, raising a leg I go to kick him but he rolls sideways and pushes off the ground. I flash my teeth at him, growling,

"Wow..." He says, I lower myself a little as if a beast crouching, out of the corner of my eye I see the guild gasp.

-Normal POV-

Natsu watches in amazements as Dragon's teeth become pointer and her hands become claw-like, her skin seems to get a red tint to it and almost hard looking. Lunching she jumps at him making a horrid scream. A claw stucks him, he jumps back in pain,

"Fine" And with that he runs at her, shouting

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" the fire consumes her but nothing seems to happen. Then slowly the fire clears, showing the burnt girl crouching, slowly standing she smiles at Natsu,

"Tut-Tut, You need to be more careful" And with that red smock seems to swirl around her, till you see nothing else than the smoke. Then it disappears to relieve someone new.

A tall, lean, muscly man stands where the girl was. He has short deep red hair, his right eye is red while the other is a flame colour, that seems to more like the real thing. He wears plain red shorts and is bare-footed. Slowly he steps forward saying,

"I  wouldn't have shown you my form if it weren't for the fact that I am need else where" Natsu stands his ground replying,

"Who-o are y-you? Where is Dragon?!" The man laughs,

"I am Dragon... Dragon Fury. I stay in female form so that you would trust me more.... But my soul is male." Natsu looks more confused.

"Wait!" Rose comes running out, both men look at her, she stares at Dragon,

"Why do you have to go? Dragon? Why?"

"I am need elsewhere..."


"SILENCE" Dragon Roars, slowly he steps forward,

"I am truly sorry..." Red smoke appears again, "I am, But..." The smoke disappears to relive Dragon's real form. He looks like did but with scales along his arms, which lead into claw like hands and legs that look more Dragon's then Human's. And back where some red Dragon' wings rest and a long red Dragon tail hangs out of his trousers. His head has horns sticking out and his ears are long and pointy a lot like an elf's. Scales cover the sides of his face and he has very pointy, white teeth. Growling he said,

"This is my real form, a gift to you, as a thank you I'm letting you see it"

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