My Friends...?

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-3 more months later-

*somewhere unknown*

"So you just lelt?" A figure, that seems to move with the shadows, asks the Dragon Born next to it. He looks up from where he is crouched, signing he replys

"I had to..." He stands rubbing a hand over his marking. The figure watches before stepping forward and putting a hand on his Guild Mark. Dragon stops rubbing his markings and leans slightly into the touch. The figure speaks

"Yet... You still keep this..." He removes the figures hand with a huff, he looks towards them frowning.

"it matters not..."

"You have time"

"And what for!" He snaps.

"They hate me!" the figure goes to speak but he angry whispers

"I lied to them" silence "for all I-"

The figure cuts him with a strong but soft low voice.

"You don't know that... they may not be like that"

"How would you know" he sighs

"They are your friends..." the figure replys.

"My friends...?" He breaths. The figure just nods moving backwards, it's long coat floats as if it is made out of shadows along the floor, Dragon turns.

"I guess... I can cheack" he looks at them offering a small smile

"I wont get my hopes up. Just- just in case" He steps away slightly.

"We are use to it by now..." the figure states, sadness and longing line it's voice. Dragon just nods walking away.

Not before he adds

"Thank you Sister"

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