I'm back?

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-Normal POV-

It's midday by the time Dragon makes it back to Magnolia. He has a bandage around his neck and right eye. His left eye still has its brightness. He wears a leather holster across his bare chest, his feet are still bare but now he wears red troused that goes to his knees. There are bandages around his legs, his wrists and hip. His tail is wrapped around his leg, his wings are tucked against his body. His horns look worn and his red hair is messy but he makes no attempt to sort himself out. Instead he simply pull on the cloak, pausing to laugh at the ironly.

He lifts the hood, the only sign of horns are two small lumps, he keeps himself hidden.

"Now..." he starts his way towards Fairy Tail. Coming up to the doors he takes a peak inside.

Everyone is chatting as usual... but the air seems, off. Dragon wayches for a moment taking it in. A door to the right flys open and Rose comes running out.

"Hurry!" She laughs pulling both Natsu and Erza along.

"What are you doing sis?" Natsu asks lulling out of her hold  she turns frowning.

"Going to look for Dragon" Natsu frowns.

"How many times do I have-"

"He doesn't want us to find him" Erza states cutting off Natsu.

"How would you know?" Rose turns to her. Erza goes to say something but ends up closing her mouth.

"You just don't understand..." Rose huffs, crossing her arms.

"Yer we don't" Natsu says, "Why don't you explain it to us. Sis" Anger traces his voice. Rose winches. She opens her mouth but closes it, tears appear in her eyes. Natsu looks shocked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't- it wasn't-" He reaches out to comfort her but she steps back look hurt

"You just don't get it! None of you do! Now your taking it out on me!" She shouts.

"He didn't-" Erza starts but Rose just shakes her head and turns. She runs towards the door, wiping at her eyes.

Dragon steps though the door and she runs into him. She yelps but before she can see who it is, Dragon hugs her.

The guild goes quiet. Rose looks up and freezes.

"Hey thats my sister" Natsu shouts stomping over. Dragon lets go. He laughs. Natsu stops.

"Well... that was something..." Dragon says.

"Dragon!" Erza gasps.

"Dragon!" Rose squeals, jumping on him. He chuckles.

"Dragon..." Natsu says almost not believing it. Dragon pulls down his hood and smiles at Natsu.

"You..." Natsu starts but the Master cuts him off.

"DRAGON I NEED A WORD!" Everyone watches as the small man stomps up to him. His anger radiating off of him. Everyone braces for the worse.

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