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-Normal POV-

"W-wait, you-r" Natsu tries to say but a gust of wind causes him to stop and shield his eyes. The wind is caused by Dragon's wings as he opens them and bends his legs for a take off. He takes one look around, eyes landing on Erza and softening, before anyone can speak he says to her,

"You have grown, you have learnt, you are strong. Please enjoy life from now on" and with that he jumps, lifting off into the air. As he goes to fly completely of Natsu shouts something over the noise of Dragon's wings. Dragon turns and smile shouting a "I will" Before speeding off into the sky.

All is quiet, then suddenly Rose falls to the ground and burst into tears. Erza walks over and hugs her, more for her own comfort than Roses. Talk erupts from the crowd, shocked, angry and sad. But Natsu just stands there watching as the tiny dot of Dragon disappears. Reality floods him, making him look to the ground with a lost excretion. Makarov stands next to him saying,

"It wasn't because you pushed her-" He laughs slightly "I mean 'him'" Shaking his head slightly he continues "You should talk to your sister if it bothers you that much."

Natsu looks up shocked, turning he starts "What d-" But Makarov is already gone. Rose, who finally stopped crying appears next to her brother. They stand there until everyone has gone inside and all that can be heard is the wind. Erza looks towards them, pausing a moment, before walking into the guild to get some answers off of Makarov.

"You knew" Natsu breaths sadly. Rose nods slowly without moving her eyes off of the sky.

"From the very start" She adds,

"And you didn't say!" Natsu turns to her adding "You just lie to us?"

Rose looks towards him, "He said that 'Fate has decided and I must play my part' every time I had bring it up." Silent

"So he fold us then, lying" Natsu says angrily.

"Yes but at a cost" Rose looks towards him "He lost people"

And with that Rose turns, tearing up, and walks back into the guild. Leaving her big brother lost with only a few facts, but the more he thought about it the more he couldn't get the image of Dragon's true form out of his head,

'Dragon was a Dragon Born'

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