Tower of Heaven - Meeting

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-Erza POV-

Erza Scalet looks at her friend Rob. Rob was a lean old man with pale skin. He had long white hair which went midway down his back. Two strands of hair stood up from the rest and pointed outwards. His eyebrows were nearly as long as the hair on his head, reaching down past his chin. He had a thick gray beard which extended down to his chest. He wore a pair of beige shorts with no shirt, so his black Fairy Tail mark located on his lower back is visible. Erza sits with him, they are talking about magic, something is bothering Rob. Suddenly the prison door swings open and the guards push someone into the cell. As the doors band shut, Rob look towards the person and smiles. A young lady lays on the floor with rags as clothes (like everybody else), however she has more flesh on show because the guards like her body so have given her less clothing. The young lady looks up from the ground, her beauty astounds everyone that sees her,  her body has been whipped and she is covered in blood. Slowly the Lady gets up and shuffles towards Rob and Erza. She falls to the ground by Erza,

"Are you ok!?" Erza starts as she tries and helps the young Lady. The lady raises her head, Erza stares in awe at the Lady's red unnatural eyes, the lady smiles.

"What have you done now?" Rob looks over at the young girl,

"I took the punishment for some children, they are too young..." The Lady’s voice is a whisper, Rob helps Erza get up the lady, in a siting position, so that Erza can support the lady’s bruised body. The Lady leans on Erza as Erza dose her best to support her but Erza is only little.

"So this is Erza..." Her voice is still a whisper,

"Yes, the one with a beautiful smile" The Lady smiles at Rob's comment and shift herself so that she can offer her hand to Erza,

"My name is  Dragon Fury, call me Dragon..." Her voice sounds better, but is still a whisper, as Erza takes her hand, she is very surprised to fine that Dragon’s hand is soft. Dragon just smiles. Rob leans towards Erza and says,

"She never tell anyone her full name, your a lucky one, her name is basically her life..."

Erza feels happy as if she was getting praised but didn't know why she felt this way, or even why she felt this way towards the Lady.

"Erza, Dragon and you have a lot in common" Rob says he walks away. Dragon turns and smiles,

"You would like my pupil, she’s a Dragon Slayer" Dragons voice is not a whisper anymore,

"A Dragon Slayer... I’ve heard of them."

"Yes they are fierce beings that have been trained by Dragon and are almost Dragons themselves." She pauses "If only my pupil was like that..." Dragon giggles, Erza can’t help but smile.

"Rob was right!" Dragon shouts pointing at Erza. Erza looks confused at her,

"He told me, I never thought I could see a smile like that again, in a place like this... freedom is in her heart." Dragon leans closer to me, nods and sits back. Erza move slightly. Both Erza and Dragons knees are touching and they sit opposite each other.

"I feel light" Erza blurs out, Dragon giggles,

"That because you are letting your guard down" Erza freezes, Erza can’t afford to be weak, Erza has to be brave and strong. Dragon reaches out and pulls Erza into a hug, Erza tries to pull out but Dragon just tightens her hold.

"Hush, Hush little one” Her words melt at Erza’s ear. Erza can’t help but let a few tears out. They land on Dragons back, and she winches in pain. Erza notices this but before she can say anything Dragon pulls out and say,

“I am here for you so let’s be friends” Dragon reaches out and wipes away Erza’s tears. Erza sighs, nods and smiles. Erza is smiling happily because she has a true friend (other than Rob). Dragon lowers her hands and closers her eyes with a smile of happiness printed on her face. Erza about to say something but soon soft breathing escapes Dragons mouth. Erza can’t help but giggle.

“So I see you two get along well,” Rob comes up to the two girls. Erza looks to Dragon, and says

“She looks peaceful when sleeping” This surprises Rob but he just turns and places a hand on Dragon’s shoulder, gently shaking,

“Dragon… wake up” Dragon’s eyes flicker open, as soon as hers meet Erza’s Brown eyes she smiles.

“So you are soft inside” Rob laughs. Dragon turns to him, frowns then nods,

“I wish I was your friend, it would be a great privilege” Rob continues, Dragon rolls her eyes,

“I don’t like the way you move your tongue” Dragon stares at Rob as he laughs some more. Erza looks at them very confused.

“She mean she doesn’t like how I talk, especially the way I talk to her” Rob answers her. He turns and walks away. Erza look back at the now sleeping Dragon. Erza sighs to herself,

“How can someone sleep sitting up?” Erza asks herself, out loud, as she crawls closer to Dragon, gently pushing her to the floor (making sure to hold her head), Erza is about to turn away when something catches her eyes. Carefully and slowly Erza turns the sleeping Dragon over so that her back is fully shown. She gasps at the sight in front of her. Dragon has two scars on her back that look as if they have been cut open but she can tell that they are old scars as well. Whipt lines run across her back as if they were trying to whip the opened wounded. 'It looks painful, how could someone go though that and still act like Dragon did?' Erza thought. Also there are bruises and dried blood spread across her back.

“Young ones should nether go though such things” Erza looks back at the now open eyed Dragon. Dragon gets up in a sitting position.

“Sorry I didn’t mean-” Erza is cut off by another hug,

“Hush, hush little one” Dragon pulls away and a little bit of Erza wanted to continue the hug.

“I would rather take the punishment, than see ones like you being punished.” Erza looks down and clenches her fists.

“I hate this place…” Erza whispers,

“At least some good has come out of it,” Dragon says maker-of-fact. Erza looks angrily at Dragon.

“How could you say something like that” Erza says in an angry whisper.

“I have met you and that in its self is worth being wiped” Erza looks shocked at Dragon,

“But I’m nothing special”

“You are ours/my hope and my best friend, to me that is all I need” Erza suddenly stars crying. Quiet tears fall, Dragon leans forwards, their nose are nearly touching. Erza stops and holds her breath at the sudden approach. Dragon puts her head forwards so that’s their foreheads are touching. Erza carries on breathing normally. This time she can smell the lovely sent of Dragon. Dragon closes her eyes. Breathing deeply.

“I will look after you, we are friends and I do anything for my friends” Dragon opens her eyes and looks into Erza’s. Erza nods as Dragon pulls away. Dragon looks up towards the ceiling and says,

“Everyone needs something or someone” Dragon looks at Erza and smiles, “We need to find hope more when times are at their darkest.” With that Dragon closes her eyes, still sitting, her beathing becomes light. Erza shuffles over, smiling and lowers Dragon so that she can lay.

“And I will stay strong for you as well” Erza whisper to herself. Dragon smiles over hearing the little girls promise. As Erza starts to get up, a soft hand grabs her wrist and yanks her gently down, before Erza can do anything Dragon wraps her hands around Erza’s chest and snuggles her nose in the back of Erza’s neck (making Erza giggle). Something in Erza liked this and that part of her takes over as the blackness of sleep creeps up on her. The little girl stars softly snoring, making the young girl smile, soon both are asleep.

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