The Chibi Incident

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This is skippable! You don't have to read it! I would love it if you did...
This chapter is for you! Gift to you!

-Dragon's POV-

I walk into the guild and move slightly so that an oncoming chair misses me. I turn and glare at Natsu, owner of the chair, who smiles and walks up to me. Shouting a


I sigh, "What do you want Natsu?" I roll my eyes,

"Want to fight?"


"But now we know your secret why can’t we?" Natsu wines. I punch him, sending him flying across the hall. I turn and walk towards my table. Rose is already sitting there.

"You' know I know he is annoying but he is still my brother" I sign

"Fine I'll lay off"


"But He has to too"

"Easy said than done" I sit down,

"Well you have your answer" I lift my hood, showing that this conversation is over, Rose sighs then goes over to the pissed-off Natsu.

-Normal POV-

Gray comes running in. He runs up to Team Natsu (Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, (Of course) Happy and Rose),

"You- Have. To hide... me" Gray pants.

"Why-" Lucy’s cut off. A blue haired young women appears in the door way. Her name is Juvia, who has a crush on Gray. Juvia has dark blue eyes, pale skin and a curvaceous figure. Her hair is mid-length and she wears revealing clothing. Juvia's Fairy Tail Guild Stamp is above her left thigh, being blue in colour.

"Gray!" Love hearts are in her eyes as she makes her way over to Gray.

"Hi Juvia" Gray acts all cool, Rose stares at him in wonder, Juvia notices.

"You are now Juvia's rival!" Juvia shouts pointing at Rose,


"You and the blonde one shall not have Gray!" Juvia says pointing at Lucy and Rose. Gray backs away a bit.

"Not this again!" Lucy starts shouting, Rose shrinks a bit.

"Rival's in Love" Juvia glares at them both. Rose shrinks a bit more.

"We are not Love Rivals!" Rose shrinks a bit more, as the too mages start shouting at each other.

Suddenly, someone with a dark aura appears.

"You must be Juvia..." All turn to the dark aura, Juvia shakes in fear,

"Ye-yes, I am Juvia" Juvia shrinks a bit.

"I would not label people as love rivals if I were you..." The cool voice makes Lucy and Juvia Shrink a bit, shaking with fear.

"You may say it to someone deadly" At that Team Natsu + Juvia - Erza, shrink some more. Dragon laughs as the dark aura disappears from around her. Bending down she picks up the Chibi Team Natsu + Juvia - Erza. They all shout complaints as they try and stand up in Dragons cupped hands.

"Erza," Dragon calls as Erza comes over from where she sat with amusement.

"Yes, Dragon?"

"I don't want to change them back yet..." A dark aura appears around Dragon,

"Well, we could have some fun?" A dark aura appears around Erza,

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