Tower of Heaven - Night and Day

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-------------------Around Midnight-------------------

Dragon was already awake when the small girls eyes opened. Erza was very confused as when she normally wakes up the floor is hard and painful but this time, her head is supported and she is nice and warm. Slowly she looks up at her purple eyes of Dragon, Dragon smiles,

"So you are awake" Erza nods and stands up, she looks at Dragon, noticing her wounds are nearly heal.

"Your back..." Dragon looks at her, then at her back,

"I had another magic to heal myself a bit" Erza brown eyes widened

"You can use magic!" Dragon nods in reply,

"Only a little I used most of it up of some children" Erza stood in awe at Dragon, she did so much for so little,

"Don't look at me like that, I do what I can, nothing special" Erza's chin dropped to the ground. Dragon sighed.

"I wonder if my little Dragon Slayer is doing ok..." Dragon stare into the distance. Erza had an erg to hug her so without warning the Dragon felt little arms wrap around her (or try too) Dragon looked down. And smile.

"Erza..." Dragon lad back down hugging Erza "Can you keep a secret?" Erza looked up at Dragon and nodded.

"I am an immortal" Erza looked up at the now crying Lady, Erza just hugged tighter, she stayed curled into Dragon's chest/stomach while Dragon explained her story.


-Erza's POV-

I open my eyes. The words of last night spin in my head. I turned my body so that I faced the sleeping Dragon. I smiled. I felt like I had know her for years yet I have know her for few hours. I reached out my little hand and tucked a purple strand of hair behind her ear. I froze as I realise I was being watched. Dragon had opened her purple unnatural eyes and was watching me, closely, then she smiled and the dark aura disappeared. I sighed. Another day... slowly I got up. Surprisingly, I didn't have cramps like normal, I turn and smile at Dragon, that night was the best I have slept since I got here.

"Little one..." Dragon stops, shakes her head and gets up. Together we walked with the other people to our working place. I looked at the guards as we passed and realised they were staring at Dragon. I look up and see that Dragon is looking down at me, she smiles and say,

"Don't worry little one, they wont make a move unless necessary, they need workers." Dragon looks up but I keep staring at her. Soon we are outside. The guards attach us to the magic ball things so that we cant escaped. We grab out tools. As I turn to leave I hear a thump and turn back. Dragon is on the floor, but very quickly gets up as soon as she sees me looking at her. I look towards the nearest guard, he had his foot out and was laughing. He tripped her, then he angles his head as Dragon gets up, he was looking up her clothing. I clench my fists and am about to run at him when I feel hands turn me and lead me way,

"Hush, hush little one." I look up at Dragon, she has dirt on her face, I reach up and rub it off. She smiles and turns to the work.

---- few hours later---

I feel the heat from the sun beating down on me. I look over at the sleepy Dragon. Soon I feel sleepy as well but we both carry on. A guard walks over and laughs, I turn, as soon as I do I wish hadn't. We make eye contact. He steps forward,

"Wha' you looking at trash?" He raise his hand to hit me but I never feel the hit, instead I look up to see Dragon holding the guys hand still with ease, the man looks at Dragon with frustration. He pushes her to the side and gets out his whip. Grinning he says,

"She' tha important to you?" As the whip comes down I hold up my arms. Suddenly I feel a body on me and hear a whimper as the whip hits flesh. I'm looking into a smiling face of Dragon, she whispers to me,

"Yes. Yes she is" My eyes widen. Soon Dragons smile is gone and her body shakes with every whip, the man starts laughing, whipping harder, he stops and tries to kick me. But Dragon uses her body to shield me again. I can't help but cry as she grunts in pain, blood starts coming out of her mouth. All the punishments she has taken is taking a toll on her. I don't even notice the blood is dripping onto me as I cry silently.

"Hush... Hush... Little One" Slowly the whisper of Dragon's voice escapes her red mouth. I hear the man stop and grunt in anger.

"Give up already!" He shouts at us. "Scream for me!" To my horror he grabs Dragon off me and pulls off her top, Dragon tries to cover herself but in doing so get pushed down, now her arms are trapped. Dragon turns her head to me and smiles. I watch helplessly as the guard pulls out a knife, I realise I'm about to see how she gets her opened wounds. Using his foot to keep her down, he japs the knife into her back, a scream escapes her mouth and she coughs up some blood. He starts laugh as he pulls the knife downs, opening up the wound, I freeze. I can't pull away my eyes, I watch Dragon faint, the guard stops. Frowns and is about to kick her but I run at him. Holding his leg.

"Get off me!" he kicks me, Dragon was awake during this, I look at her eyes wide as the guard turns to me. Dragon makes a move to get up but instead kicks the guard.

"Why you-" He puts the knife in the other wound, but this time a horrid scream fills the air, it was like a scream and a roar. The guard covers his ear. As soon as it stops, he laughs and walks away, not without pulling out the knife first.

I run over to Dragon grabbing her shirt alone the way. She stagers up. I put her arm around me to help support her. I look at her as she put her shift on. Her eyes are shut. When she finally opens them she smiles at me.

"Hush, Hush little one." She crocked. Why dose she act like this is a joke? I cant help but clench my fists. Dragon notices. She pull me into a hug.

"Shouldn't I be the one getting the hugs?" She jokes. I look up at her smiling face. She get fully up and starts walking. I notice her bloody back and start crying, she turns around.

"Why?... Why did you do it?" I ask, Dragon walks up to me and takes my hand. Squeezes it, then continues walking, still hand in hand. We walk in quiet for a bit. I have stopped crying.

"My Dragon Slayer a funny thing" Dragon starts but doesn't looks at me,

"I think that when she is older she will be very beautiful" We enter our cell. Turning to me she says

"I know that when you are older you will be very beautiful" I look at her,

"So I promised myself that you will make it to see if I am right, just like your promise to be strong" She kneels in front of me, wiping my old tears,

"You say it like you won't be there..." Dragon doesn't say any thing instead her goes over to where we where last night and lays down. I look at her shocked. I make my way over to her.

"I'll promise you this... We will see if you are right" I say looking at Dragon, who looks at me.

"One day we will be out of here and... you and I will see each other, then we will see how much I have grown." I say feeling as if I have a glow to me, I knee by Dragon, she smiles at me,

"I will like to wait for that day" Then she falls to sleep. I lay down next to her. The last though that reaches my mind is, 'Will there be a day?'

(For people who haven't watch/read Fairy Tail this may become very confusing, but run with it as it doesn't really matter if you get this little bit)

---Hours later---

-Normal POV-

Dragon was gone when Erza woke so Erza forgot about her friend. Erza had gone with some friends to see if they can escape but were captured in the progress. Erza was tortured and has lost her right eye. Her friend rescues her but at the cost of his own self. To help get her friend back Erza starts a revolution. Rob is killed protecting Erza and Erza awakens her magical powers. However, when she fines her friend his mind has been taken over by evil. He takes control over the Tower of Heaven (What they were working to build) and banishes Erza, using all her friends as blackmail and saying she will be killed if she ever came back. Now Erza is standing at the edge of the island, thinking how is she going to leave...-

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