Secrets Out

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-Unknown POV-

I walk back to the guild. Fairy Tail. I had to stop her before she did the spell... she is not strong enough... yet. I stand by the bar, waiting for Rose and her brother Natsu, they are like twins. The small man stands on the bar, I nod thanks to him, I can tell he's the master by the power that he has coming off of him. He nods in reply, and then looks at me, trying to figure me out. My smile cannot be seen, I turn as the siblings run in, smiling too. Rose draws near with Natsu tailing behind, as they stop, Natsu glares at me. I guess they have decided that im an enemy...

"Haho, Master!" Rose says slightly waving.

"This is Mirajane" He jesters to the young lady behind the bar, she smiles

"Call me Mira"

"Can you please get the stamp, Mirajane" The Master asks, She nods and turns, her red dress sways as she dose.

"My name is Makarov, I'm guessing Natsu has told you I'm the Master of this guild" Rose nods. Now I know why she knew he was the master when they came in. Rose nudges me, grinning ear to ear.

"So are you like your brother, Rose?" Makarov askes,

Rose nods "Yep! I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer!" her enthusiasm almost makes her voice go sonic. All the Dragon Slayers winch at that. Mira turns around,

"Where would you like it and what colour?" She looks at Rose,

"Umm..." Rose looks at Natsu and smiles.

"Just below my right shoulder please! Red Please!" Her face must get sore from all that smiling. Knowing her, No. Once the mark is on everyone cheers.

"Now we look like mirror images!" Rose smiles at Natsu. Natsu laughs at what she said. A naked guy comes over, well he still has his underwear on, both Natsu and I cover Rose's eyes. I hide her right eye with my hand while Natsu hides her left eye with his hand. He looks at me and gives a silent thank you, I nod in return.

"Hay!" Rose shouts "Who turned off the lights?" Everyone laughs. Rose reaches out to try and feel something, very confused.

"STRIPPER! Put some clothes on! My SISTER is here!" Natsu shouts at the guy, who in turn looks down and runs off, shouting

"Yer, Yer Fire Brian."

We uncover her eyes. She blinks a few times and smiles.

"Sorry about that. That was Gray" Natsu rubs the back of his head. Rose just giggles.

"Well, now we have four Dragons Slayers" The master says. A blue haired girl steps out,

"I'm Wendy a Sky Dragon Slayer" pointing to the flying white cat she says "And this is Carla my Exceed"

"Haho! Your cutie!" Rose pats Wendy's head, Wendy giggles. Rose shakes Carla's paw and smiles. A punk-looking man steps forward,

"I'm Gajeel an Iron Dragon Slayer"

"Haho!" Rose dose her slight wave, he nods, turning and takes his leave.

"But... Why did you say only four... shouldn't there be five?" Everyone looks at her. My chest starts to hurt, she-

"What about that one?" Rose points to me.

~Whaaaaattttttt~ Everyone's chins drop to the floor.

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