Fire VS Fire

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-Normal POV-

Everyone fell silent, thinking how much alike the sibling are, even the cloaked figure was shocked... a bit. Natsu nods and before anyone, can stop them, they run outside. They stand apart, fighting position.

"Fire Dragon Roar" they both shout, everyone makes it out in time to see the flames collide and intertwine. As they take the full focus they head upwards, nether siblings are touched by the flames, and there are gasps all around. Rose runs at Natsu with a right punch, Natsu readies a punch to counter attack. Before he could do anything Rose changes her punch side to her left,

Shouting, "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" punching him into a wall. Natsu was not excepting that.

"Sorry!" Rose shouts, withdrawing her hand in pain, shaking it side to side.

"It's ok" Natsu whispers, knowing Rose could hear him. He wipes his mouth, Rose winches feeling hurt as she didn't want to hurt him, Natsu smiles to re-a-shore her. It helps. Suddenly he runs at his sister. Rose at that moment was looking at something else, more like the figure, and was unaware of her brother. As Natsu  is about to hit her, she turns her attention back to him just in time. Instead of being thrown though the air she  stands her ground and only gets 'pushed' back a few inches. Everyone is shocked at this... maybe she was more powerful that she let on? Natsu was the most shocked... powerful beings could be thrown though the air, yet his sister..."Wh-" She punches him, giving him a mouth full of fist. Her body explodes into fire, shouting "Fire Dragon Roar!" Aiming for her brother. He doges, breathing it  in,

"Now I'm all fired up" using the dust cloud that was created by the roar Natsu runs at Rose. Before she can get hit by Natsu, she flips backwards, dodging. They both turn quickly towards each other and shout, "Fire Dragon Roar!".

This time there's a bang as the two fires battle to be the winner. Rose gets angry, she should never lose her temper, only she and the figure knows this...

-Unknown POV-

I see Rose become angry and can almost hear what is about to happen. I run over to her, around the crowd, keeping out of the middle. No one notices me. Good. Just as I reach her she shouts,

"Dragon Secret Attack: Fl-" I cover her mouth before she can continue. All is silent. A short man steps out from the crown as if feeling the tension,

"It is a tie! Battle off!" He heads inside with everyone at his heel. Rose is now calm, muttering some apologizes towards me. With my back to her I whisper to her,

"Don't ever do that again..." She lowers her head in ashamed,

"I can't..." I couldn't finish my sentence as a lump is in my throat.

"I know." She replies. I look at her, she smiles at me,

"Thank you" She says as I turn and head towards the guild. Natsu had been waiting for Rose and had happened to over hear us, a bit of him wanted to protected her, the other was confused as hell.

-Rose POV-

I sigh, I hate it when I make that feeling appear in our stomachs, worry. Natsu comes over and sees my sad look, making him feel sad as well. Putting a arm over my shoulder, comforting, he says

"No need to look so glum! Sis, now you can join the guild!" I turn to his smiling face, and smile, making him smile even more.

"Now I can’t lose you again!" I joke back, for a second he looks shocked, then we both sprint towards the guild. Thinking that we finally have each other back. Thinking we would never lose each other again.

"BEST DAY EVER!" We both shout.

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