Erza and Dragon

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-Erza POV-

"Yes, old friend!" Dragon says, we are still griping each other palms, and smiling.

"Can someone explain what’s going on?" Natsu is the one who breaks the silence.

"As you can proberly guess, Dragon and I know each other," I turn to Dragon, "You still want me to call you your nickname?" I ask. She nods and smiles. We finally let go of each other.

"I see you kept your promise" I look at her unnatural purple eyes,

"Yes, I told you I would find you, Erza" Everyone start looking between us two. Ignoring them, I turn to Rose,

"So your the young one that Dragon kept going on about" Rose blushes.

"Yes, she is not so little anymore" Dragon goes over to Rose at this and pats her head. Rose acts like a puppy and giggles.

"Um... So how did you meet?" Rose asks looking at both of us. I tense. Dragon leans over and places a hand on my shoulder, smiling,

"Remember when I had to go for a few years" Dragon is looking at Rose but her hand is still on my shoulder.

"Yep! and you left me with your-"



"Fine. Everyone is bound to find out eventually..."

"Your younger sister, Wofie! She was so soft to cuddle and her little nose and..." Rose starts mumberling random stuff, Dragon sighs. Letting go of my shoulder. I look at Rose. She is like a puppy...

"You have a younger sister?" Gray asks

"Yes and no" Dragon looks at him. "I have three sisters and two brothers" Gray looks as if he is imaging something perverted. I hit him.


"Don’t think of such things, her family is greatly out of your league." I stare at him. He runs behind Natsu to hide. I Look at Natsu with a glare who runs behind a table with Gray in tow.

"So how did you meet?" The Master asks.

"We met at the Tower of Heaven" Dragon says as simple as can be. A few gasps go around. I stand completely still but my cheat hurts and I feel sick in the stomach. Suddenly I feel arms around me, Dragon husses in my ear, giving me a squeeze. She can always tell when something is up. I put my arms round her. Hugging. Everyone must be fricking out right now. Dragon pulls away and smiles. I can’t help but smile, and then I look at the Master who has wide eyes. I cough. He comes back to reality.

"Would you care to explain"

"No""Yes" Dragon and I say. I look at her and she sighs,

"I would have to tell you my age if we did" Dragon says, I laugh, everyone looks at me.

"You’re worried about that? The more you keep from them. The more it will hurt." I give her a fierce look. (Which has no effect)

"Yep! Erza right! So far only two people know about it!" Rose churps up.

"I..." Dragon pauses "Fine" Dragon says sitting down. "I am an immortal."

You think I’m going to stop here! Well I’m not!

Everyone gasps. A few people shout 'WHAT!'. I look at the crowd and they go silent.

"My name is Dragon Fury, I am not the immortal you think of, I can die." Dragon pauses. I walk over and sit by her,

"Healing Magic does not work on her." Dragon sighs as I carry on for her,

"So how does she heal?" The Master asks

"Another day..." Dragon sighs; I nod at master

"So now that is clear. Can we hear your story? Of how you two met?" The master asks,

"Yes" Both Dragon and I say, we meet eyes and I can almost eyes her memorizes.

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