Friendly Reunion

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-Normal POV-

It has been a week since Rose and Dragon joined. The guild knows that Natsu and Rose are very alike; they keep battling, and are always eating together. Thought most people stay out of Dragons way, the boys can’t help but look a upon her beauty, Rose has gone on a few jobs with her brother but Dragon has not. It has become clear that Rose is the only one that really talks to her, whenever the siblings have a chance they eat or fight, whenever Dragon is left alone she falls asleep.

Rose has been introduced with Gray; Gray has eyed both Rose and Dragon but has taken most of his time in flirting with Rose. Rose is clueless. Natsu and Dragon are not. Taking it in themselves to stop Gray. Gray's most prominent feature is his spiky black-coloured hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular. After the mission on Galuna Island, he gets a scar on his forehead above his left eye that is partially covered by his hair. His member stamp is below his collarbone on his right pectoral muscle and is dark blue in colour.

And Rose has also meet Lucy, who has taken a liking to her, they're like sisters. Lucy has brown eyes and shoulder length blonde hair that is usually tied by ribbons in a variety of colours in a small ponytail to the right side of her head with the rest of the hair loose. She has large breasts, and a curvaceous body. Her pink Fairy Tail stamp is located at the back of her right hand. Additionally, Lucy does not consistently wear the same outfit. However, she always has a belt that, along with keeping her skirt up, holds her Celestial Spirit keys and a whip with a heart-shaped end. She also wears black, leather high heeled boots.

*magical time skip!*

Dragon sits in the far corner, no one knows why, but she is asleep. She has her cloak on and her hood pulled up. Natsu comes running in with Gray and Rose at his tail.

"Erza is coming!" they shout, Dragon dose not wake, Rose looks frighten. Natsu told her how scary and mean this Erza is. Everyone freezes, watching Natsu and Gray hide while Rose stands still wondering what to do. Then they laugh and carry on with what they were doing. A young woman who has long, scarlet hair and brown eyes walks though the door of the guild. She has a slender figure and she has large breasts. She wears some armour, a blue skirt, and black boots. Her Fairy Tail stamp is blue and located on the middle of her left upper arm. Rose was told that Erza's specialty is Requip Magic, allows her to requip not only armour, but different outfits as well, allowing her to change her attire at any given time.

"I’m back Master" She says as she reaches the Master.

"Welcome back Erza," He smiles then jesters to Rose to come forwards. Erza turns and looks at the young Dragon Slayer.

"This is Rose, Natsu's sister, both are Fire Dragon Slayer" the Master says as Rose puts her hand out and shakes Erza's armored hand.

"I didn’t know Natsu has a sister"

"Nether did we" the Master replies

"I can see the resemblance" Rose nods and smiles at that. No one notices that Dragon has woken up and has sleepy made her way over.

"Oh and where is the other one?" The Master says. Erza picks up her drink and turns towards the crowd that has parted to let someone though. Erza eyes go wide so dose Dragons, theres a bang as Erza drops her drink; everyone is shocked and looks over. Erza never acts like this.

"Dr..." Erza begins. Dragon lowers her hood and smiles. Dragon never smiles (other than to Rose) Taking everyone aback. There is silence.

"Erza!" Dragon screams and runs at Erza. Before anyone can blink Dragon hugs Erza while tackling her to the floor.

"Dragon!" Erza shout in reply, not sounding too stress that the girl has hugged her, or that she is now on the ground with the girl hugging her on top. Dragon stands up, putting a hand forward, she helps Erza up.

"Long time no see!" Erza says,

"Yes, old friend!" Dragon says, both are still griping each other palms, and smiling.

Everyone is shocked... Erza's smiling... Dragon seemed allot like Rose for a bit then... something feels off.

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