Job Board

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-Normal POV-

Natsu is sitting by the girls, staring at Dragon, who is asleep,

"Why is she sleeping?" He asks Erza rolls her eyes; Dragon head has fallen and is now resting on Erza's shoulder. Everyone was listening to their story, the Master stands up and walks over to Dragon and Erza,

"Is there anything else we need to know?"

"Yes but it does not mean I am going to tell you..." Dragon mumbles, sitting up, "Armour hurts..." She mumbles to herself rubbing her face.

"Sorry.” Erza replies then adds “But would it not be for the best?" Erza looks at Dragon,

"Somethings are meant to be found out, not told" Dragon stands up and goes to leave. Erza stands up and says,

“I will be going now,” Makarov nods at her, and Erza follows Dragon who had heard her and decided to wait. They smile as they reach each other, Makarov watches them go, Makarov wants to find out more but doesn’t want to push it. Instead he turns to the, now fighting, Gray and Natsu. Gray had came over (just in underwear) and had punched Natsu,

"Why'd you do that? Ice princess?" Natsu shouts at Gray,

"Cause' you were over reacting, HOT-HEAD!" Gray shouts back. Soon they are arguing, soon they start fighting, causing everyone to join in. Instead of stopping it the Master turns to, the now confused, Rose,

"Oh! Rose you don’t know about the jobs do you?" Master turns to Rose,

"Please tell me!" Rose walks to the Master, avoiding the fight,

"Everyone can choose jobs to do over on that board *pointing to a big notice board to their left*  that how you can get money and other gems but the next ranking is S-class, which are harder to do and pay more, that board is up the stairs *pointing to the stair way at their right (which lead to a over viewing room and a red bullet board* once you have chosen you can take it to me or Mira and we will check it for you, then you can go on your way" the Master finishes. Rose nods and makes her way over to the job board,

"So this is where they get the jobs from..." Rose mumbles to herself, Natsu comes over and puts his arm over her shoulder,

"I know! You can choose this time!" Rose smiles and nods, looking at the board, soon she spots one. Grabbing it she goes to the master, who has returned to his spot on the bar,

“This on please!” handing it over,

“Collect this ruby necklace that was stolen and hidden near Sun village” Master reads out loud, he smiles at Rose and hands it back, she smiles some more and goes over to Team Natsu,

“I’m going on this one who wants to come?” Rose says with a cheery tone,

“I shall come with you” Gray says standing up, Rose just smiles, thinking that it was good he was wearing some clothes.

“THEN WE'RE COMING AS WELL” Natsu and Lucy shout, Rose turns towards them, a little confused, but smiles anyway,

“Wow, I wasn’t going to do anything…” Gray says rolling his eyes but had somehow made it closer to Rose. Lucy immediately appeard in between him and Rose saying,

“We need to pack” Gray huffs as Rose is lead away, towards Natsu house as they were sharing, Natsu immediately hits Gray.

“Why’d you do that? Hot-head” Gary says rubbing his pink face,

“Don’t hit on my sister! Ice princess!” Natsu shouts then storms out, Gray stares in puzzlement… normally Natsu would start a fight…

Resting his hands on his head he mumbles,

“Man… he must really love his sister”

“He dose” Gray jumped and turned around, Makarov stands behind him, Gray looks at him.

“When Igneel left Natsu also lost his sister, not knowing if she was ok, he came here and was immediately given a new family. So to have his sister back after everything that has happened he doesn’t want to lose her again.” Gray goes quiet… huffing he walks away,

“Where are you going?”

“I going to find Natsu” giving Makarov a side look, he continued “and to say sorry”.

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