Five Dragon Slayers

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-Unknown POV-

"When you say 'that one' what do you mean?" The Master asks, all eyes are on me, I do not move.

"I mean what I said and I said what I mean" Great Rose has gone all riddle on us. I sigh which, in turn, grab everyone’s attention.

"So you’re saying your friend is a Dragon Slayer?" The Master asks yet again... I cover Rose's mouth. Natsu looks like has about to explode.

"I shall explain." Everyone is shocked; I turn to Rose,

"I'm sorry slip of the tongue..." Rose says, looking quiet innocent, I simply pat her head. You could almost hear him sizzle. Rose turns to Natsu,

"Why are you like that?"

"I’m just trying to protect you, that all" Natsu starts glaring daggers at me. I brush them off. Rose starts laughing and ends up on the floor, rolling around.

"What?" Natsu asks. Rose simple points at me. I turn to Natsu and raise my hands to my head. Everyone goes quiet as I lower my hood.

-Natsu POV-

I'm looking at a girl... now I just look stupid,

"You all though she was a man!" Rose laughs from the ground; I look back towards the girl. She has long deep red hair which she has pulled out of her cloak. Her red eyes look into mine. Her face is expressionist. Rose has got up from the ground and walks towards the girl. The girl rolls her purple eyes as Rose raise her hands; the girl bends slightly so that rose can unclip her mask. I go red, too close, my sister. As the mark comes away gasps spread though the room. I look at her again, her pale skin show off her soft cherry lips.

"My name is something you shall not know" Rose rolls her eyes at the girl’s words.

"But my nickname, of sorts, is Dragon" At this my heart stops,

"Dragon?" I say.

"Well, would you like to join?" We all look at the Master. Rose looks at Dragon happily. Dragons sees Rose's happy face and sighs

"If I must..."

"Yay!" Rose gets all excited again. Makarov nods at Mira, who in turn nods and gets the stamp. Dragon walks forward but is stopped by Rose.

"Please take the cloak off!" Rose goes red. Yet again Dragon sighs but this time smiles, a soft smile, and nods. Very carefully she takes of her cloak. At that point I get a noise bleed.

-Normal POV-

Natsu who as now has a noise bleeds almost faints. Allot of the boys have a similar reaction. The girls are very confused by the boy’s reactions. Even the Master fines it hard to cope. Mira gives the Master a threat, saying,

"She's too young for you"

Dragon wears black jeans that end just below the knee. Her top half is covered in bandages (for looks) with a black top. It has long ripped sleeves (showing off the bandages) that are loose and covers her hands, the top ends just above the belly button. With a blood red belt around her waist. She is bear-footed. As Dragon hands Rose her cloak, after Rose insists, she walks to the Master.

"Mira the stamp" Mira turns to Dragon at the Masters words.

"Where and what colour?" Mira asks.

"Red" Dragon then looks towards Rose, slightly tilting her head, Rose smiles and points to her own left eye.

"My right eye please" Dragon says to Mira. As the stamp is getting put on everyone questions about her.

"Thank you, Mira" Dragon gives a slight bow, then she turns and walks to, the now smiling, Rose.

-Dragon POV-

What have I got myself into? Is all I’m thinking as I walk up to Rose.

"Yay now I’m with my two favourite people!" Rose shouts as she pulls Natsu and I into a hug. Natsu mumbles something as I get push up to him in the hug.

"That is something I would not be doing" I say Natsu looks at me. I sigh,

"I am a Dragon Slayer so I can hear you." I look around seeing that everyone is carrying on like nothing happened. Looking back at Rose she says

"But it would be fun" I frown, take my cloak and leave.

"Hay! It’s only a fight!" Rose shouts at me.

I give her a look as I leave.

-Makarov POV-

I watch as Dragon leaves. Something is off.

"Master why didn’t you get her to fight?" I look at Mirajane,

"She has a lot of power coming off of her so I didn’t need to see her battle."

"Oh, well what are you going to do?"


"But-" Mira looks at the Master as he jokes back (but has a serious tone is his voice as well).

"I’m going to see if our little dragon spreads it wings..."

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