Ending - Something Extra... C:

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So guys... I did it! After so long I, MxVampireGoth, have finally finished it!
Whoop whoop!
Sidenote though... I may go back and... polish it up a bit but we'll see...
All depending on you guys!

*clears throat*
Sooo... im writing a little... sneak peak? It's not a 'sequel' *I won't be doing one* but~

This story was me taking something small out of my big story (which has so far taken me three years to write half of it...) changed it to fit this and boom you have this work!
But I thought I'll let you guys on a little... extra.
Please remember I have to edit them so it fits this fanfiction so it won't give you any ideas on my professional story... or something like that :/ :)

A Shadowy figure watches the sceen below them. Dragon walks out of the guild and pauses.
"Hey~ Sib~" The figure turns to a dark skinned girl dressed in white.
"Yes sister?" The shadowy figure asks.
"Why can't I go have fun with the humans~?" She huffs crossing her arms. The figure rolls her eyes, removing there hood, they untucks her black hair.
"Yes Reaper~?" They smirk at one another.
"Your Wings will get tangled..." Angel makes a 'oh' nose and starts tying up her white hair. Reaper looks back moving their wings to shield their white skin from the heat.
Dragon looks up at the movement. Spoting the two Goddess flying above. He grins and waves at the two. 'Hello Siblings...' he seems to mouth before walking away.
"Aww... I don't want him to come back..." Angel sighs. Reaper rolls there eyes.
"I take that as a 'I wish he could stay with the mortals but he needs to leave' instead of... what you just said" The other just smiles.
"Come on Wolfie will want an update... you know how the two get when separated..."
"And thats why he has to come and visit Little Sis!" Angel stands matter of fact. Reaper sighs.
"Also the twins will need to know when to pick brother up..." adding "...siblings..." They smile at one another while Angel laughs. She flys up.
"Come on then! I want to go now~"
"Fine. Fine. But no more soul messing around... that is my job..." they fly away.
"Oh~ but I wanna be the Grim Reaper... you can have my job!" Reaper rolls there eyes.
"No buts!" There's silence then Angel bursts out laughing.
"You said Butt!" Reaper simply sighs.
The two exit the dimension.

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