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THE SHARP COLD stung her skin. With every breathe Anya took, her lungs felt like they were burning up, her lips dry. Water sloshed at her feet as it streamed down her face from a hole in the ceiling, her blood caked hands tightly bound together above her head.

"I...Ilya." a scrapped breath left her mouth as she eyes the figure of the durast tied up across her. No response came drom his unconscious form, the raven-haired turning her head. "Zhana?" The squaller on her left let out a groan, the Oryalen woman relieved for the sign of life. She looked around, her eyes scanning across the room spotting the remaining grisha of the inferni's battalion.

A thunderous number of boots seemed to run down the stairs, ominously alerting the young grisha woman. "Drüsje. At least one of you is awake." The few drüskelle walked towards her, one of them moving to grip her chin. Anya chucked her head forward, headbutting the man before a cruel chuckle escaped her lips. Another drüskelle stepped towards her, dealing a sucker punch to the raven-haired woman's stomache.

The few painful breaths she had taken left her lungs as she almost sagged to the ground. "Not so strong now you can't use your magic huh drüsje?" One of the heavy voices barked, amusementvery much present in his tone as he mocked her. "Untie me now and you'll see just how powerful I am you fucker." The Oryalen woman sneered, a deadly venom dripping from her words. The Fjerdan that held her chin laughed. "Mh. You know, I don't think I will." he started calmy. "Why? Because I know exactly how powerful you are...almost sankta."

It was like the words hit her like a train, knocking the wind out of her all over again. "You know, I never understood why they called people like you saint. But we see you for what you truly are. Drüsje. A witch. A monster." The inferni's eyes were downcast, squeezed shut as she let out a sigh when she heard the start of old, tell tale speech that was told to her many times before. The sudden soft whistling reached the inferni's ears as the drüskelle that had grabbed her chin, pinched it tightly once more.

A cold blade tapped against her cheek, the young grisha's eyes widening in horror. Her breathing became ragged, the tip of the dagger piercing her skin on the side of her head as a drop of blood flowed down. "Let's see how much of a true monster you are within." Another drüskelle had snuck up behind the young grisha woman, grabbing a fist full of her hair, yanking her head back.

As the drüskelle handling the dagger carved into her face, he created slashes from across her nose over her lips and either sides of her faces. A scream was ripped from Anya's throat as she howled in pain, blood drowning out her vision as everything started to turn red.

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now