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Anya sat on the roof of the crow club quietly overlooking the bustling area of Ketterdam that was known to all as the barrel

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Anya sat on the roof of the crow club quietly overlooking the bustling area of Ketterdam that was known to all as the barrel. In but a few hours, she would step on a boat and head back for Ravka. For home. The raven-haired scoffed at the thought. Ravka is her motherland, it was her home but the place she grew up in and has known most of her life was not. So she'd need to find a new one.

The Oryalen woman's mind wandered to Alexei's last words. 'It was a sun summoner.' He mumbled. The bedtime story that many people had started to give up on, the reason why people started worshipping the very ground she walked on but uttered whispers of suspicion and distrust behind her back, was in fact very much alive. Alina Starkov, a living legend among Ravka's citizens, now under the watchful eye of the little palace and its dark ruler. "The poor girl." The young grisha woman whispered.

A figure dropped down behind the inferni, the slight dragging of her feet inaudible. "I heard that you're leaving again soon." Kesh's voice murmured as she sat down next to Anya. "I can't disclose much, it's a job. And a chance for for me to get what I want." The brunette furrowed her brow at her, giving her a side eye. "And what's that then? Revenge?" She sassed. The raven-haired narrowed her eyes before turning her head with a skeptical look on her face. "Justice." The 16 year old nodded at her duly noted words. "There's something I want to give you." The young girl said as she pulled out the dagger that the Oryalen woman had used to cut her hair and a small pouch before handing it to her.

"Don't you use that dagger?" The young grisha woman questioned. "I want you to have it. If Inej taught me anything, it's that it doesn't matter how powerful you are or someone else is, a dagger can always come in handy." She almost laughed at her words, before opening the pouch, cold and shining gold-like scales inside. "I'm not sure if you had noticed but there were scales stuck on the inside of your kefta. I figured that you somehow collected them and wanted them back. I hope you don't mind that I turned them in a necklace!" Kesh said. The inferni furrowed her brow as she looked down at them, an unknown feeling drawing her to the scales, calling her to the sea just like the many dreams she used to have as a child.

She reached a slender hand inside, grabbing ahold of one of the scales. The whispers that were inside her head felt as if they were floating all around her, surrounding her and every inch of her being. Anya felt the fire rage inside her, the flames roaring barely beneath her skin, embers as strong as forest fires raging through her veins. The air around her started to vaporize, the blazing ethereal shine of her skin illuminating the brunette's face next to her. The young girl's eyes lit up at the sight of what was happening to the raven-haired. Not because she was scared. Not because she was afraid of what the other might do. But it was a look of aw that was distilled in her eyes.

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now