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Thunder rumbled through the sky like the heartbeat of a living creature as the sandskiff slowly pushed forward

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Thunder rumbled through the sky like the heartbeat of a living creature as the sandskiff slowly pushed forward. Anya ducked inside a large crate in the cargo hold, silently counting the markers they had passed. "Marker 5." She whispered to herself. Her heart raged in the same cadence of the thunder, hair on her arms and in her neck standing upright as she shivered. The clang of the grate to the deck being opened, resonating through the skiff's belly.

The raven-haired put her ear to the crate, hearing shuffling on the other side as the board creaked under the weight of whoever just walked in. A high pitched creak caught her attention, someone sitting down on a smaller crate close to hers, unable to peak through. "This is a bad idea." A muffled voice protested on the other side. "I think it's rather practical." Another one chimed in, his tone rather seriously. Something about him, about the way he spoke, felt familiar to the Oryalen woman in bones. "What? How?" The first voice huffed once more, something clanging as he spoke. "I don't see how we step off this boat without you pulling those guns." The second voice retorted sharply.

'Guns?' The young grisha woman thought. The first man chuckled skeptically, snorting at the words of his friend. "I don't mean this, I mean THIS." He breezed in annoyance. The cries and shrieks of volcra resonated through the air, halting the conversation for a minute before the first voice spoke again. "We are in the worst place in the world, on a ship full of people who want us dead, surrounded by monsters who want us in their gullets." He ranted in panic. "Oh I should've brought Milo." Suddenly, it was as if a penny had dropped for the inferni. 'This idiot.' She thought as she almost facepalmed herself.

"How many bullets do you have?" Kaz inquired sternly. Anya could hear Jesper spin one of his guns as he answered. "Not enough." The raven-haired chuckled, loudly, the cargo hold suddenly silent. "Need some help?" She asked before she kicked and punched of the walls in the crate, clawing her way out through the hole, met with a barrel pointed at her face. "Good to know that you missed me." She remarked, taking in the expressions of the other crows with a small smile, the Zemeni man immediately lowering his gun. "Saints! I could've shot you!" He complained as he gave her a strong pat on the shoulder, Inej shooting her a grateful smile.

"I'd really prefer it if you didn't. Don't need my face to go even more to hell." The Oryalen woman chuckled darkly. "What's the estimate on people up there?" She demanded, pacing slightly as she looked up. "The usual squaller at the sails and a heartrender, the same ones from the group that attacked us Ryevost. The other heartrender is on the deck behind Kirigan and Alina. The usual dignitaries are up there too, about 4 to 6 people." The young barrel boss replied quickly. "So what's the plan exactly?" The sharpshooter wondered nervously. The young grisha woman was about to answer as dirtyhands interrupted her, the wraith walking to the back of the skiff's belly.

"We wait." He stated simply, as if it was the most obvious thing to do. "For what?" The Fahey man and the inferni asked at the same time. "For whatever the general has planned." The bastard of the barrel announced, earning a sharp look from Anya as she scrunched up her nose. "Are you insane?" She hissed, Kaz almost considering his answer on it. "Consider this scenario. The sun summoner's fled from the little palace. And now she's tied to the deck." He started, trying to calm his companion down with his words. "We've set sail for a city. A city with Zlatan, who hired Arken to kill her and..." the young barrel boss hesitated, looking down at the raven-haired as she bit the inside of his cheek. "And someone who made a deal with the Fjerdans."

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now