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The rising tides cobbed against the hull of the boat as it sliced through the waves, the two day journey to West-Ravka as calm as it could be

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The rising tides cobbed against the hull of the boat as it sliced through the waves, the two day journey to West-Ravka as calm as it could be. Anya remember the bubbly feeling that burned in her chest when she saw part of her home country's coast on the horizon so much even that she ran to the tip of the boat, leaning over the railing. "LAND HO!" The raven-haired had yelled, slightly surprising the rest of the crows with her small energetic outburst. The sea was no longer calling to her, eyes transfixed on the harbor as they shimmered, one step closer to getting what she wants.

"Anya? Are you okay?" Inej snapped her fingers infront of the Oryalen woman, waking her up from her wandering daze with a worried look. "Well to be honest, it's weird to be back. Especially when everyone thinks you're dead. But thanks, I'm okay." The young grisha woman replied with a small smile underneath her half-veil. The five of them sat in a cramped carriage, Kaz and Inej on one side while the inferni was squashed between Arkan and Jesper. 'Note to self: convince the hat man to get a bigger carriage next time.'

"So." The young barrel boss started. "We need to get into the little palace where Alina Starkov will be kept." The Suli woman looked at him with a side eye. "The sun summoner." Dirtyhands rolled his eyes at her words. "Alleged. Arkan, you said you had an informant?" The man nodded eagerly before his mouth started running. "Yes, she's a heartrender by the name of Nina Zenik. She's with second army but also a radical, wants grisha to have a choice whether they serve the crown or not." The bastard of the barrel's eyebrow quirked up, eyeing Anya across from him as if he wanted to let her know that he understood the two grisha opinions aligned with each other.

"What do you know about her?" He questioned. "Worked with her sometimes. Nina's definitely a talented heartrender. Healers and heartrenders always start with the same courses at the little palace because the Corporalki are all about the body, which is why they're highly appreciated by the second army." The raven-haired noted as she listed the things of in her reply.

"Are you sure we can trust her? Very few would betray their general, and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession." Kaz replied, the disdain palpable in his voice. "If they knew who the black general really was, they all would betray him. And Alina's a person, not an object." The Oryalen woman bit. "Be that as it may, we still have a job to do so it's best to put your issues with the general aside until after we have Starkov. Understand?" The young barrel boss hissed back. 'This motherfucker.' The young grisha woman thought to herself as she fought the urge to suckerpunch his teeth out of his jaw.

Lulled out of her train of thought, the carriage slipped to a halt as it hit the curb infront of the inn. As they quickly filled out of the small space, the bastard of the barrel felt relief wash over him to be outside of the cramped space, not breaking a sweat. "How do we plan on getting into her room exactly?" Jesper wondered skeptically as he narrowed his eyes. "We act like we belong here. Or bribe the person at the front." The Wraith replied calmly as the group walked through the doors.

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now