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(please note that old ravkan will be used in this chapter and will be marked like this "hello." This is not the same as inner thoughts that are marked like this 'what?')

" This is not the same as inner thoughts that are marked like this 'what?')

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'She's feral that girl.'

'If she's the one that's
going to dispel the fold
then I am the queen of Ravka.'

'Look at her horrid mug.'

These were but a few of the whispers thrown at her head that Anya would hear almost daily. Except for the select few that the raven-haired considered friends, most grisha students despised her, having heard rumors about what happened before she arrived at the little palace.

Wind dusted and raged in between the little palace and its open spaces, whipping the long, dark hair of the young girl around as she wiped her brow. Her feet shifted in position, the gravel underneath moving with her. "Is that all you got?" Anya shouted at the top of her lungs. The group that had surrounded the raven-haired had dealt her several blows but nevertheless, she kept standing, socking two of them knock out right of the bat. "Try me." The Oryalen girl challenged with a smile, spitting the blood out of her mouth as it left a copper taste behind.

'Show us how strong you are runt!' The group shouted when they had first approached the inferni. What the group had wanted was a fight but they came looking for it at the wrong address. One of them, a tidemaker boy, darted forward with a shout, his fist aiming for the girl's face. Anya tsk'ed him, ducking to the side before latching her hand around his wrist and planting her other hand in between his shoulder blades and shoved him down. He screamed it out as something popped, probably his arm getting dislocated from the blow.

"Who else wants to pick a fight huh?" She sneered as she stood back up, spreading her arms wide as if she was daring them to hit her. Another inferni snapped forward, flames slipping from in between her gloved fingers. Rushing at her, the blonde threw fire shot after fire shot, the raven-haired annoyed as the girl was persistent despite her deflecting every single one of her attacks. Her hands flew together to make a complicated gesture, an enormous ball of flames erupting from his finger as he flung it at the Oryalen girl.

Extending her hands infront of her, the enormous flames had engulfed them, wrapping itself around her. The smoke was thick and dark and once it had cleared all they could see was Anya standing on the same spot, the ground around her completely scorched that it was boiling, the fire from the other inferni coiled around her arms like a snake with its giant head resting in her palms.

The blonde's eyes widened in shock at the sight, having expected the raven-haired to have a boiling skin. But there was nothing except for the devastation around her. Her eyes were blown wide with anger and hurt. She would never show others her weaknesses or she would become even more of a target. "Wanna try again?" The Oryalen girl rasped tiredly, raising her first as she took on a fighting stance before the group ran away.

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now