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KETTERDAM'S harbor wasn't always kind to it's people

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KETTERDAM'S harbor wasn't always kind to it's people. There were three kinds of groups, those who the harbor spat out like a plague and those with their noses pointed to the sky and enough kruge lining their pockets, whether they got it legally or not. Or you could be one of the rare ones, those who survived something they wish they had never experienced in the first place, and took on a new identity. Those who were birthed anew in the harbors of Ketterdam.

Sand clumped in Anya's hair, sticking to her skin, stuck on her kefta, as she laid there unconscious, avoided by the many footfalls of most people that passed by. Even though she was unconscious, the raven-haired could feel her throat burn, her face feeling like it was on fire as salt picked at her wounds.

Yet, a rare pair of kind eyes landed upon the Oryalen woman's form. "Kesh? Where are you darling?" A voice sang from above her, its false sense of kindness making the young girl cringe. "I- I have to leave now. Your time is up and Heleen wants me back soon." She shouted up. A sleezy, older man's face popped out of the window, winking at her. "I'll see you next time love." He replied before he disappeared. Once he was gone, the brunette let out a deep sigh. 'Finally.' she thought.

The inferni woman started to stir with a groan, her onlooker shooting fleeting glances left and right before darting to the young grisha woman. "Hey." With a tentative hand, Kesh reached for Anya before turning her around. Her eyes widened at what she saw. Horrid scars ripped across her face, old enough to not be bleeding as they started to cover in scabs but young enough to still look tender. "A-are you okay?" She wondered. "Just dandy." the raven-haired remarked.

The brunette reached out once more, hauling the Oryalen woman up with an arm around her shoulder. "Where...where the hell are you taking me?" The young grisha woman demanded, her words coming out rather exhausted. "Somewhere better then here. You might never know who's watching."


The room was cluttered, small, and Anya was hidden behind a divider and an enormous pile of clothes, slowly coming back to her senses. A cool wind billowed through the room, Kesh sliping in through the window with a bundle underneath her arms. "What's that?" the raven-haired asked warily. Pulling the scarf down from her face, the brunette rolled her eyes as she stalled out swabs and disinfectants from the bundle onto a small table. "I asked a friend for this, seeing as you're probably going to need it." the young girl started, grabbing a soft and damp cloth to clean the wounds on the inferni's face.

The Oryalen woman's hand snaked around Kesh's wrist without thinking, holding it far out of reach. The brunette looked at the other woman, seeing the distrust and fear in her eyes. 'Why didn't I think of this sooner?' she asked herself. 'These aren't your average accident scars.' The young girl backed away slightly. "I'm only here to help." The inferni narrowed her eyes. "Why?" Kesh bit her lip, unsure what to say. "Because I wish that someone could do the same for me."

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now