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Darkness enveloped Anya as she laid in her bed

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Darkness enveloped Anya as she laid in her bed. It wasn't the calm sort, the kind that hugged you when you'd go to bed tiredly only to fall asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow. No, it was the uneasy kind, the kind that kept her awake as she stared at the ceiling, dread clawing at her spine. The raven-haired tossed and turned before but had momentarily given up on the chance of a good night sleep. The wind was howling as rain clattered with the tapping of tree branches against the small windows. The weather was ominous and if she had learned anything from the story of her birth, was that this weather was a foreboding omen.

Her feet hit the cold floor, hair framing her face as she sighed. "God damnit." She cursed silently at the insomnia. The Oryalen woman opened her door before walking to the bathroom, grabbing a slightly chipped cup, filling it with water at the sink before sitting back down on a couch."Can't sleep as well?" The young grisha woman noted as she sensed the presence behind her.

"How did you know I was there?" Inej wondered curiously, sitting down next to her. "When you have my occupation you tend to learn a thing or two about hiding. Not necessarily in shadows." The inferni quickly added. The wraith laughed at her quip, almost making the corners of other woman's lips turn up. "Was that an almost smile?" The Ghafa woman joked, slightly poking Anya in the ribs. "Shut up. You know nothing." She replies, a slight slap landing on the Ghafa woman's hand as she tried not to laugh.

As the laughter fizzled out, the raven-haired looked down to the floor before chucking the remaining glass of water with a downcast glare on her face. "I had the same look the first time I walked past the menagerie after Kaz got me out." The dagger expert said, breaking the silence. "I know the plan, he's told me but I can't..." the Oryalen woman voice almost wavered as she spoke before she reigned it in. "I don't know what I'm gonna do once I'm actually there." The inferni combbed through her hair with her hands as she leaned back in her chair, still not fully used to how short it felt between her fingers.

Inej regarded her, the woman of legend, sitting there next to her. It was one thing hearing and reading the stories of the mystical grishas of old but to actually have one sitting next to her, at least that's what she thought the other woman deserved, was something else all together. Anya was afraid. And not just by going back to the little palace. The thought that she would see him again after such a long time, see all of them, thinking that she might get swept up in the moment, that the general would charm the raven-haired into coming back to him, the possibility of it all, absolutely terrified her.

The wraith deftly grabbed her hand in hers, clenching her jaw as concern was written across her face. "Anya. Look at me. If I could face the menagerie, then you can face this. I just know you can. And we'll be there for you." The Oryalen smiled at the thought. "We?" She laughed. The Ghafa woman dropped her hand, arching an eyebrow as she smirked. "Well Jesper is definitely on board but..." she started, eyes looking at the door of Kaz's room. "I know." The inferni replied. "It's something that we have in common." She added, eyes wandering to the door of the young barrel boss, a forlorn look of understanding in them. "It'll take time for him to trust me." The dagger expert stood up, dusting herself off before turning to her companion. "It's best if we go to sleep. You've got a big day ahead."

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now