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It was late in the afternoon as the crows stood gathered around a table in an old barn, Kaz's hand tossing the remainder of their coins onto it

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It was late in the afternoon as the crows stood gathered around a table in an old barn, Kaz's hand tossing the remainder of their coins onto it. "That's all we have left?" Jesper complained. Anya fished the golden chain of half moons that was in her hair during the winter fete out of a pocket, dropping it on the table. "I still have this." Inej hobbled upright to the table, surveying it before pulling up her shirt slightly, taking off the bled through patch as the Zemeni man gagged at the sight. "This is going to need stitching. Jesper hand me my bag." The wraith noted, as she sat down on some hay. "How long until you can travel?" The young barrel boss inquired, tapping his cane as he swallowed uncomfortably at the sight. "Not long. To where?" She asked as she pulled a needle and thread out of her pouch. "Ketterdam."

In a split second, the other three crows silenced at his words, their heads turning to him. "Between our dwindling funds, lack of time and...conflicting interests, it's time we cut our losses." Dirtyhands finished, turning around and closing the creaking door behind him. The Ghafa woman's needle punctured her skin, pulling the thread along as it made the sharpshooter gag. "What? You can handle bullets but you get squeamish at some stitching?" The raven-haired messed with him, knocking her shoulder against his arm. "Well the difference is that-" The Fahey man started, trying not to retch out yesterday's diner. "Bullets are in and out." He finally said.

The Oryalen woman bended down, eyes peering at the wound as she closely inspected it. "Where did you learn how to stitch like this?" The dagger expert grunted as she finished up, sowing herself closed. "I thought myself at the menagerie." She simply replied, something dark passing over her face. "Oh that's dark." Jesper remarked with his brow furrowed in disgust. "And that is exactly why I cannot go back there." Inej added, her voice laced with a thinly veiled panic. "You won't. If Kaz doesn't make sure of it, I will." The young grisha woman reassured, her voice almost threatening as she clasped her friend's hand. "I cannot go back." The wraith emphasised, the other two sharing a look of recognition as their eyes locked.

"What?" She asked as the Zemeni man swallowed, thinking in a rare occasion over what to say. "I was gonna tell you to trust Kaz." Something inside the inferni's mind pulled her back to what the bastard of the barrel once asked of her. 'Trust me.' The sharpshooter's eyes looked sorrowful as he spoke. "But I don't have the right to tell you what to do with your shot at freedom." The Ghafa woman's eyes filled with a sort of sadness, as if she was too afraid to say goodbye. "You two aren't making this easy." She said. The Fahey man only laughed awkwardly, puffing his chest forward slightly. "I know. I'd miss me too if I were gone." Anya and the dagger expert smiled softly when those words left his lips, settling down and leaning against the stacks of crates and hay to get a moments rest.

Jesper went outside, swiftly returning with Kaz's slightly damaged cane, the shimmers of falling dusk breaking through the cracks in the wooden walls, before he turned his back to the raven-haired. A few minutes went by until the Zemeni man stood up, propping the cane against the wall and collapse on a big pole of hay, snoring loudly. "Saints, is it always like this?" The Oryalen woman remarked with an arched eyebrow. Inej had folded her arms underneath her head, looking up. "The slat has thin walls and Ketterdam is never silent, so you get used to the noise eventually." She replied with a smirk.

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now