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It was a cold morning as Anya balanced herself inside the carriage, each of them dressing themselves in something a little warmer one by one, shucking her kefta over her shoulders

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It was a cold morning as Anya balanced herself inside the carriage, each of them dressing themselves in something a little warmer one by one, shucking her kefta over her shoulders. Her hand turned the doorknob before she jumped out, boots hitting the ground. "So, where are we now?" Jesper looked around him as he answered. "Ryevost." The night before, the sharpshooter had explained to the crows that, much to everyone's surprise, Alina had conveniently crawled into the trunk of their carriage and that she'd probably try to get out at the first stop in the morning. He was not wrong.

The quartet wheeled around, Kaz gripping his cane, the Zemeni man whisking his coat back a little to show of his revolvers while Inej and the raven-haired stood next to them with their arms crossed. A little voice whispered in her head as she stood there. 'Let her go.' The Oryalen woman knew it was the right thing to do, despite what she agreed on with the crows when she first arrived at Ketterdam. She realized she would have to betray them, a knot forming in her stomach as she knew all too well herself how much it hurt when someone betrayed her trust. The only thing she could hope for right now is forgiveness.

The young grisha woman could imagine the Starkov woman's hurt expression when she crawled out the trunk and saw her so she promised her one thing. She would not let them take her. The lock of the box started to glow, the wood around it sizzling at the heat. With a dull thud, the lock was punched out of its container, the point of a pair of siccors peaking through. With a creak, the trunk opened, a confused sun summoner crawling out as she looked at the four people blocking her way. Her eyes widened as they landed on the inferni, not believing that she was here.

"Look we know a way across the fold. You can come with us." the sharpshooter started. "I think I'd rather find a way on my own." Alina almost bit, moving around before the young barrel boss' cane hit the side of the carriage, blocking her way. "I'm afraid we can't let that happen." The Keramzin woman's eyes narrowed at his words. "Let me pass." she repeated. When the Fahey man and dirtyhands looked at each other, the wraith and Anya shared a look. 'Cover your eyes.' In a split second, the raven-haired and the dagger expert put their arms over their eyes, Jesper and the bastard of the barrel cruppling to the ground with a groan as the light blinded them.

With her hands still raised, Alina turned to Inej, her hands raised to show her no harm, her eyes kind. As she turned to the Oryalen woman, her face seemed to soften slightly, but not enough to show that she had let her guard down. "Go." She said to the young Starkov woman, who smiled. Her arms wrapped themselves around the young grisha woman in a tight hug. "Thank you." She whispered before she ran of, darting in between the streets of Ryevost. Kaz and the Zemeni man stirred from their dazed state as they stood upright, the previous leaning on his cane. As soon as the young barrel boss' eyes landed on the unharmed wraith and inferni, his icy eyes narrowed in discontent as his lips twisted. But he spoke no words to them that moment, sending the sharpshooter out to look for the target they had let go. His silence spoke volumes, so much that it was deafening.

𝔄 𝔚𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 ☀️ KAZ BREKKERWhere stories live. Discover now