Chapter Three: Wolfblossom

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The sun was at its highest when I climbed onto Howl's back and clicked  

at her to lope. Coming out of the forest I rode back into town. That was the  

direction I waned to show up at the unicorn haven from, just like always. I don't  

know why. 

I put Howl in the pasture with the other horses and walked silently to  

Koruin's pasture. My mind was still in tracking mode. 

"I hope she's okay," Hayden was saying as I, unnoticeably, came within  


"I wouldn't put it past her to just have quit," Koriun's beautiful voice  

came from thin air.  

"But she seemed like she was really starting to like it. She wouldn't just  

quit without telling me--I mean without telling us," Hayden refused to believe the  

unicorn's suggestion. 

"Maybe to avoid making you sad, or she knew you'd talk her into  

staying. If she doesn't want to, we can't force her." 

"Koruin," Hayden said, mystified, "you'd miss her, wouldn't you? You kind  

of like her too, like she kind of likes us." 

"I never said--" Koriun began, but I didn't hear the rest. I leapt, and landed in front of him in a roll. 

"Taa-daa!" I cheered, and got up. "Miss me?" 

"Hayden sure did," Koriun teased, "he was afraid you wouldn't come  


"Awww, Hay!" I teased. 

"So was Koriun!" Hayden defended. 

"Bull crap," I laughed. It was nice. They really seemed to like me, and for  

once, I thought I might have some real friends. One of which I couldn't see, but I'd  

take it. 

"But you will stay?" Hayden asked, his tone suddenly solemn. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, my tone still light. 

"You'll give the Dispatchers your word of acceptance?" Hayden  


"Ah," I stopped him, "You've said give it a week. It's not yet been a  


His face drooped. "So you're really not staying?" 

"Now I didn't say that," I said. "Lighten up. Keep this going how it has  

been and I think you have me...I just wish I could see the damn unicorn I'm  

supposed to be watching. No offense Koruin." 

"There's a good reason for that," Koriun snorted. I stuck my tongue out in  

Koriun's general direction. 

"Good does describe it," I smiled, "like this morning after I got back from  

the tracker mission..." 

"Regina stop. Now." Koriun stamped a hoof. I could hear it. "Unicorns are  

supposed to be pure creatures, and the boy is too young. Save your trash mouth  

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