Chapter Ten: Postulation of Nuts

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My head pounded the next day as I woke up. I'd dreamt about the story Koriun had told us. It was as though I had been there. So horrible, the payback for not being able to see his pain the day before. 

After Koriun's story was over, Hayden had completely broken down. I, at first, thought is was the weight of the story he so nearly knew, but didn't. Then he began to apologise to me. Confusion quickly was replaced by awkwardness when he explained.  

The day before, he had wanted to get rid of Allistair. Not as dramatically, but he wanted me single. He wouldn't say more as to why, but I had an idea. It explained the awkward wake-up in my first week as a Keeper. It explained Hayden's behavior two days ago.  

Problem discovered, problem avoided, just like that. After Koriun's story, Hayden realized he didn't want anything like that for me. Seriously though, that's all well and awkward, considering the notion occurred in the first place.  

Koriun had also revealed the reason he brought us to every time we needed to put the Seal on his horn. It was a place he liked to go with Chysiella. It was where their colt had been conceived. Once he told us that I felt really bad for bringing Allistair there. It was his special place with his mate, whom he still grieved for, and I had just up and brought my mate there. I hadn't known, but I still felt bad.  

My mother had made it very clear on my way home from the haven that she still felt her rumor as a threat. She stood outside the haven gate. I thought I'd caught glimpses of her a multiple of more times on my way home. I walked Howl, not wanting to trigger any feelings of urgency that might throw me into Koriun's story. 

Chrysthy was fast though, my multiple sightings of her were not at all illogical. Yawning, I headed for the door, only to find she was still at it. The short blond figure of my mother was hovering around the thatched houses across the cobblestone road. I glared. 

Walking--on my own-- would be my method of travel for today. I wandered along the street, the sun warmed stones felt nice beneath my feet. Others were leaving their houses, and I noticed some glares. My nerves creeped up on me. Maybe Chrysthy was right? No. I forced the thought out of my mind.  

"Regina!" Hayden was back in cheery mode by the time I reached Koriun's pasture. He rand up and hugged me.  

"Well hello," I said, un-trapping myself from his grip. "How's Koriun doing?" My question was half directed to Hayden, and half to the unicorn himself.  

"I'm fine," Koriun snorted, "really, I am. That, yesterday, probably delayed a building crazy spree. Hayden stayed with me last night to watch me." 

"I don't think it's good for you to just keep pushing these things back down," I said, concerned for my unicorn friend.  

"There is no other option. I've been fine for five years, and I'll continue to be fine." Koriun's eyes gained a distant and pained expression for a moment.  

"You've been here for five years." I argued against the unicorn, but my mind wandered. What if it'd happened to me? What if I'd lost Allistair? I couldn't argue any more. I'd probably be in the same boat. 

Hayden laughed. It was a bitter sound, a very odd sound for him. "We're a huge bunch of misfits. Oh hell we are. Some thing's got a sick sense of humor." 

I laughed too, but mine was much less bitter. "Not entirely true. You guys have mad it through some tough times, it sounds like, but you made it. I've got nothing that dramatic in my life." 

"If you weren't over-looking a few things, I'd almost thing you were calling us crazy," Hayden teased. 

"It was a compliment--," 

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