Chapter Sixteen: Haven Evacuation

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"Josephine!" Desperation mixed with yelling to make my voice sound crazy. I obviously looked the part, judging by Josephine's expression as I rode--full lope on Howl-- into the middle of the pasture we'd been meeting in. 

"What from the stars?" Josephine yelled. Howl, sensing all the tension and urgency, reared up. It added dramatic effect, but was totally unnecessary.  

"Howl! Down," I said, sliding off her back. She began grazing when she fell from her rear.  

"You just let her around like that?" Josephine watched my horse uneasily. 

"She's fine," I told her. "Not important! I've figured it out, and we need to get the unicorns out of here!" 


I growled. We'd never do it in time at this rate. "He's backed off to get us to think we're safe, to think we've scared him back. To make us feel safe...when we're really not!" 

Understanding spread to Josephine's face. "He's going to attack tonight?" 

A sharp intake of breath came from the rest of the trackers, led by Olivenia. 

"So you think we should evacuate the whole haven?" Deverell asked, skepticism highlighting his question. 

"It does seem a little extreme," Selena commented. 

"Think about it! He's gotten past us every night for nearly a month now! What would make tonight any different?" 

Silence fell for way too long. The sun wasn't near full yet, but the further away we got the unicorns, the better. 

"Okay," Josephine finally decided, "I'll go tell the Dispatchers. Then we'll all gather up, and head out." 

"Some of us should guard our retreat," Olivenia suggested timidly.  

"Yes," Josephine mused. 

"I'll be one of them," Olivenia said. Hm. usually she was quieter than this. 

"Yeah," Josephine seemed distant, "that's good." 

"Rathor, you be on that team too," I took over. The haven was my domain as Tracko-Haven Supervisor. "Josephine, get moving to the Dispatchers' hut. The rest of you! There are pastures to the west, as well as east. Don't forget to go to those ones too. Let's go!" 

The group form the pasture dispersed. Rathor and Olivenia went with the ones warning the Keepers. I mounted Howl, and urged her toward Koriun's pasture. She leapt into action. Good girl, my Howl was, she always knew when to cooperate. 

When I got to Koriun's pasture surprise hit me. No one was there. Had someone else gotten there first? I growled, and Howl reared again. My tension must have made her uneasy.  

"Regina!" Yes! The familiar voice whipped my head to the side. "Where's Koriun?" 

Hayden's question almost negated the elation of finding him. 

"You don't know?" I panicked. 

"No. I just heard that we're evacuating the haven. I was at home. Baxan told me about it." 

"Oh shit. This is not good. He's coming tonight! You work on finding our littlee unicorn! I have to warn the others." 

"Regina!" Hayden looked so worried, so afraid, so...young. Something inside me pulled towards him. But I couldn't go to him.  

"Don't worry," I called, "I'll tell the others he's gone missing. We'll find him." 

Hayden nodded, but the worry didn't subside from his face. As he turned to go, into the forest to search, I thought I saw a tear fall from his face. Damn. 

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