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Kylie looked at herself through the mirror with wide eyes, feeling her heart stop as Veronica's voice boomed from downstairs.
She visibility gulped, slowly taking steps out of her room and down the stairs where she began to wonder what on earth she had done wrong.

"Yeah?" She asked, approaching the kitchen like she approaching a bomb.
V stood with an unreadable expression on her face but her arms were crossed and her stance was still; Kev was behind her, leaning his back on the counter with a letdown look about his face, crossed with a tint of sympathy.

Kylie was sweating balls. "What? What is it?"

Veronica held up a letter and Kylie snatched it from her hand, wasting no time to scan over it.

Lone Oak Academy: Institution for Girls

We regret to inform you that you have failed your first term AQA assessment after failing to submit your paper.
0% will be put through on behalf of this subject on the following paper stated below. If you have selected a subject that contributes to the paper per term agreement, you will have the chance to add an additional 45% [at most] towards your final paper overall.

Congratulations on your success!
See you back in May.

Veronica snatched the page back from Kylie's hands, looking down at the teen with a discouraging look. "What the hell is this about?!"

"Wh— what?" Kylie asked, trying to wrap her head around the letter. She tried to reach for it again to make sure she wasn't hallucinating when she read over it again but V brought it out of reach. "You told me you were studying! What is this?! What the hell did you do?!"

"I-I don't know! What day is it?!" Kylie exclaimed back, looking at the calendar.

There was no way she had missed the deadline of her paper— she couldn't have.
She couldn't.

She'd prepared for so long and actually put the work in to read the assigned textbook— she did all the work! She just didn't do the actual work. . the final piece of work.

Her mind was scattered.
"I couldn't have— I can't!" She went into a stage of denial. She couldn't have missed her examination— she couldn't. She ripped the paper from V's hands.

"You failed, Kylie! You didn't do the damn assignment! Now, what are you supposed to do? I thought you had this under your belt! Huh!" V began to scold her, rebuking her failure as she looked down at her. She was stressed over a lot of things and this was just another thing to go with it. "What happened?! I thought you liked that place! Turning a new leaf?!"

"Alright, V, I don't think she meant to—" Kev interfered, coming behind the woman to place his hands on her shoulders, but she had brushed them off and walked away from him and over to their daughter.
"No Kev! She can't be serious," she turned to the teenager, "you can fix this, right? You can retake it?"

Kylie was still reading over the words, trying to take in the news but she just couldn't believe it— she couldn't believe this was actually happening to her. She sputtered for the words, "I— I don't know. I don't think I can. . "

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now