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THE DAY WAS COMING TO an end and Kylie didn't know what she was dreading more— the fact that Carl left tonight for military school or the fact she was headed for the airport the following morning. She was in her room, looking out the window to the darkening sky and flickering streetlamps before she prepared herself to go down.

Once again, the house was full of high tensions- Kylie still taking her anger out on her two parental figures who were doing their best to try and stay on good terms.
"Afternoon! Made you something to eat." Kevin greeted as Kylie came down the stairs, standing in the kitchen with an apron on and a wooden spoon in his hand.

Kylie could smell the bacon sizzling in the pan but passed by him with her middle finger directed straight at him.
She liked to think she and Kev had the better, more easygoing bond than she did with Veronica– they just went together so well and bounced off the other that Kylie felt she actually had a friend in her father-figure.

But she was sick and tired of his constant letting her down when he would side with V.
He didn't even side with her, he more or less just kept his mouth shut and let her do all the arguing. He never let her know how he felt towards the situation and let her tug him around on a lead.

She felt like her mind was fucked.
She was overcome with stress and anxiety and nausea and sadness with all that was going on tonight and tomorrow morning. She felt like everything was coming at her at once and she didn't have time to process it all and it was making her feel ill.
She still blamed her implant for making her feel so weak as she refused to believe she was letting her emotions get to her.

It's called growing up, Ky, she argued with herself.


The teen ignored him and began pulling on her shoes, getting ready to leave for the bus station with everyone else so Carl could say his farewells with all those supporting him around him. He probably didn't even want the whole fuss over it but everyone wanted to wish him luck.

And Kylie was one of them.
She trampled on round to the house two doors down and stepped in through the back door, seeing the majority of the family hanging around in the kitchen. "Hey."

"Hey!" Fiona smiled, a little sympathetic as she had an idea of how the girl would be feeling. She'd also been filled in with her Dakota situation by Veronica and acknowledged her discomfort. "Carl's up in his room."

Kylie gave a little nod and headed on upstairs, knocking once on the door before opening it, "you better not be jerking off in there," she tried to joke in an attempt to amuse herself.
Carl was on his bed, having a little look around before he left. His bags and care were already by the door, ready to be carried down the stairs. "You wish." He smirked

Ironically, Kylie decided to keep her little trip to Dakota a secret from Carl.
She didn't think there was a need to as she planned on being back in Southside before anybody could realize she was gone.

"You all set?" she asked, sitting down beside him.

"Yup. About to go down there now. Been thinking about it." He admitted, rubbing his sweaty hands on his legs. He was getting a little nervous about what his new place was going to be like and just how friendly the environment would be.

Kylie raised her eyebrows concerned- she'd definitely grew soft this past year and she hated it. "You're not second-guessing anything, are you?"

"No, no. No. .  just.. curious." He shrugged nonchalantly, "I know it's gonna be tough, I guess I'm just scared if it's gonna be a lot harder than I thought. I don't know if I can handle it like Ian did. You know I'm not the strongest or biggest guy around but I am. . . I am. . ." he didn't even know what he was saying and looked at Kylie for help, "what am I?"

"Tough?" She guessed.
He shrugged, happy enough with that answer, "Yeah tough, I guess."

Kylie propped herself up on her elbows, "look, Carl. Yeah, you may not be the biggest, bulkiest guy there but you are strong. You can take a hit. And you know how to hit hard. You are strong: mentally and emotionally. And you're confident and committed and are good at following through with things when you're given instructions. And when you do come out of military school? You'll be just as strong physically as you are mentally." She ranted, expressing her thoughts and feelings. "And emotionally," she noted his skill of concealing emotions and trauma. "I'm real proud of you. I'm happy you're doing this." She gave him a genuine, full-of-pride look. "And who knows, you might even grow a few inches, too."

Carl felt like Kylie was the only one who could really comfort him at times and let him
know that whatever he did, didn't go unnoticed. He liked how she cared for him- whether she meant to with the amount she did or not. He smiled at her joke and propped himself up on his elbow, "I'll miss you."

"I'm sure you'll have loads of company from all the other big, strong men there." She lightened the mood with a roll of her eyes.

He pushed her off balance and unmeaningly made her almost fall from the bed. "Oh fuck," he facepalmed. "Forgot there were no chicks there. Now, what am I supposed to do?!" He groaned.
He definitely wasn't going to be able to cope as well as Ian did.

Fiona called for them downstairs as she realized the time, and Carl stood to his feet and grabbed his belongings.
"You could turn gay?" Kylie jokingly suggested, holding the door for him, but he shook his head and followed through. "That's like saying going to an all-girls school will turn you lesbian."
Kylie closed the door behind him and shrugged a shoulder. "It's never not happened before," she stated. "I know a girl or two. . ."

Ian took his brother's things from the top of the stairs and brought them outside for him as he double-checked he had everything he needed from his room.
Kylie waited for him and folded her arms as he approached her, all ready to go.
"Last look around before Liam redecorates," he kidded, spinning around. Kylie smiled and he looked down at her amusingly, a glint in his eye as he locked his eyes on her.
And Kylie starred smugly up at him.

He always had good eyes, she thought, feeling like it was a pain to admit because to his dismay, he had Frank's.
But he made them look pretty.
He was pretty.
And Kylie hoped he had the best time at military school.

She gave him a tight-lipped smile, oblivious to his hands pulling her body closer from the loops on her jeans. He pressed his lips against her own– not roughly but almost innocently and gently, like a little peck to give a reminder that everyone was all good and that he would see her soon. He kissed her once and he kissed her twice, enough to tell her that he really was going to miss her while he was gone.

And also because he knew he'd need something to remember whilst he was away.

She pushed him off before he got any further ideas and the two followed each other down the stairs and outside, the whole family joking around and messing with each other before their little brother left for big boy camp.

When they were at the bus station, each family member said their own personal goodbye. Fiona squeezed him tight and Ian saluted him, while Kylie felt like she had no other option but to dap him up like they did when they were young so it stayed friendly in front of everybody.
The brunette watched with pride as the boy boarded the bus, giving a wave as he stood on the little steps of the bus.

When he took a seat, the two reckless teens caught eyes and Carl saluted the girl with two fingers, and she returned the gesture, letting out a sigh of anticipation.

He was finally gone, off to a new beginning.

Fiona had her arm wrapped around the front of her as they watched the bus go, and Kylie tried to find comfort as she reassured herself she was going to see him soon enough.

Yeah, she would see him soon enough.

so carl is off to military school!
the next chapter or so is obviously going to be worryeen out of context for season 7 because ofc our boy is gone and kylie has her own shit to deal with so what we feeling? we want her to go see her 'real birth parents?!'

let me know!!
all love.

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