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LAST NIGHT WASN'T ONE of my finest nights of sleep, considering the news of Kevin's cancer, it had made it almost impossible for me to catch a wink of sleep the last few days. And how could I?
I was fucking distraught.

I was trying to remain optimistic– I'd went along with him to one of his support groups the other day which had surprisingly given me some hope into thinking he would be okay.
I sure as hell hoped they were right.
Veronica and I'd tried to remain positive but at the same time we didn't want to get our hopes up too high, so we kinda just preoccupied ourselves until the day of his surgery came along, then we'd deal with our feelings when the results came back.
Kevin didn't make it easy at all, it was like he'd already accepted he was going to die on the surgery table— just what his loving wife and children wanted to hear.

It was hard to ignore but we had to try— worrying wouldn't do anything so we may as well have gotten on with our day.

I kicked my chair back under the table and threw my empty glass of juice in the sink before getting ready to leave the house. I couldn't even eat, I'd lost a little of my appetite.

I could just snack on something at Pasty's.
I'd agreed to work a shift at Pasty's to help take things off my mind– Veronica was already over there, probably ranting to Fiona as we speak. I felt sorry for her because I knew she was trying not to hide her concern and worry for the sake of her girls, but I could tell she was struggling.

I opened the back door to the Gallagher house, eyes scanning the room for Lip: he was working a shift today too so I had agreed I would walk with him.

"Hello?" I called quietly, stepping into the kitchen. I was taken back to spot Carl at the stove, actually cooking something and not just using it to boil something to death.
Lip was leaning on the counter, just beginning to tuck into his food while Ian had just gone upstairs. I took a seat at their table so Lip didn't feel the need to rush.

"Morning," I greeted, more so to Liam who sat eating his breakfast in his school uniform.
"Guess I'm not the only one getting an education around here? You got a brain too?" I asked him with seriousness.
He nodded, shaking his head like he was almost too cool for me. "Us smart kids, we gotta stick together," I said with a firm nod, accepting the knuckle punch to my hand.

"Preach it." The boy said earnestly, continuing to eat up his breakfast.

The kitchen actually smelt good for once.
Lip gave me a signal for five minutes with his hand and I waved it off, letting him know to take his time. I'd only came around earlier because my house was empty.
Ian suddenly appeared back from upstairs, finally noticing me this time. "Ay!" He smiled at the sight, carrying something in his hands.
And for a second it almost looked like crystal meth.

Before I could even question him on it, Liam was bidding us all goodbye as he left for school. I waved, watching Lip take a seat opposite me on his table as he replied "bye bud."

I watched Ian hand over the bag to his brother, who set it to the side with some other things. Again, before I could ask about it, Carl was walking over with the sizzling pan in hand, emptying some bacon and eggs neatly onto a clean plate in front of me. Had he then quickly leant over and grabbed one piece of fresh toast from the toaster, and handed me a glass with a bow. "M'lady."

I took the cup from him with a smile. I was impressed.
"Why thank you." I didn't know what else to say: before, I felt like I wouldn't eat a thing all day, and now I was looking forward to licking this plate clean.
It actually looked edible.
And my mood was lifted already.
Yep, I was definitely impressed.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now