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KYLIE WAS UP IN HER ROOM, packing her clothes into a case when she felt like she was wasting the remaining hours of her day.
She was packing for Dakota when a little sunlight blinded her in her eye, alerting her of how bright it still was outside and what she could be doing instead.

She knew Debbie was still off from welding school after suffering her injury, and she wondered if she wanted to do something before she started back.

She felt like she could use a little girl time.

So, the teen picked up the phone and texted her, already making her way down the stairs as she watched the little bubbles type back.

Hell yeah. I'll come over. I have something to tell you.

Kylie smiled and proceeded to head to the door, ignoring the situation going on downstairs. Kev, V, and Svetlana held hostage the Russian woman's arch-nemesis, Freelania, and were planning on Svetlana taking her place as the bride of her wedding.
Kev had invited Kylie to come along, but she didn't know if she could be stuck with V.
She also didn't know if she wanted to face goodbyes with Svetlana- she'd felt like the two had boarded her away lately the last few weeks and she hadn't got to spend time with her.

"Hey Debs," the girl greeted, holding the door open for her, and Kylie immediately picked up on her appearance.
She was wearing a floral dress with earrings and had a bit of makeup on too, and Kylie was enlightened to hear the reason behind her scowling face. "What's up?"

"What's up? What's up is I just seen Derek begging for joint custody of Franny, that's what's up!" She ranted, storming on into the house.

Kev and V watched the girls trail on upstairs, noticing how roles were reversed for once and it wasn't Kylie stomping on upstairs with a questioning Debbie behind her.

Kylie gasped. "Are you serious?!"

"So serious! I'm so mad!" She yelled, pacing around Kylie's bedroom with her moon boot. "He's getting married and everything!"

"To who?!"

"To that bitch, Pepa."

"PEPA?!" Kylie yelled.

"Pepa," Debbie nodded. "On one hand I want to consider it because it's child support, and marine kids get really good health support. But on the other hand!" She stood up from the bed. "I want to stab him and that skinny bitch in the head every time I see them!"

"Then let's stab them!" Kylie cheered, standing up also.

Debbie put her face in her hands and huffed on the bed, "the thought of Franny calling Pepa mommy makes me want to vomit."

"Franny won't be calling Pepa anything." Kylie sat back down and placed her hand on her back, "you are Franny's mom, you get to decide. I know you don't like Derek right now—"

"I hate him!" She corrected.

"Okay, you hate Derek right now but Debs, you should think of yourself too. If you allow him joint custody, not only will you get more money, but you'll have so much more time to yourself." She reasoned, laying back on her bed. "But I completely understand if you don't. Derek's a fucking asshole and I wouldn't want my kid spending time with another woman trying to play mommy."

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