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"BABY LOCK 'EM DOORS and turn the lights, dow–"
"–Kev, shut up before I blow your brain out," I flicked forward a page, licking finger to get a good grip, "like you did that deer."

I could see V look me and down as Kev stood uncomfortably in the house, desperately trying not to sing more of his whacky country song. I was not having him talk about his family and ancestors ever again, after our weekend away with his supposed family, I didn't want to see anything as far as a damn cowboy hat for the next few months. And I think Veronica would agree— she'd never felt so out of place like that in a long time.

It was an okay trip, but I think I would have preferred to stay at home.
Let's just say I couldn't even enjoy my favourite food of all time, barbecue ribs, without the fear of old, white men watching me suck on the bones. "Ignore her. She's just mad her 'supposed cousin' tried to bang her." Veronica assured Kev as she folded the laundry.
I grinned at that, she wasn't all that wrong. "Did he think I was some Alabama freak?"

"Apparently." V laughed to herself, getting ready to go to work a shift at the Alibi. I continued to eat my cereal and finish the last few pages of my textbook, ignoring Kev who was dressed in his stupid, southern outfit, inspect the head of the dead deer he shot on our trip. I had to get rid of if. I felt like its eyes followed him everywhere I went.

"Go give this to Fi." Veronica dropped an item to my hand. I was already shaking my head before I took notice of what it was, "no!"
I had barely been awake an hour– still eating my breakfast!
She slammed the textbook closed in my face, snatching it from my hand as I dropped my spoon to the bowl. "Now."

I groaned and stood up from my chair, sluggishly and lazily dragging myself to the front door with Fiona's belonging in my hand. Was she serious?! I hadn't even finished my cereal, I thought, opening our front door.
"If I fail this paper I'm blaming you!"

It was nice and bright for a summer's morning; the sun shone down on my exposed legs, warming them the second I stepped outside. I hadn't even bothered to put on shoes or grab a random jacket to cover my sleeping attire.

As I entered the back door of the house, I stepped inside to see the majority of the family in the kitchen. I held Fiona's personal belonging out to the family, looking between her siblings. "Fiona here?"
"Nah, she just left," Lip answered by the fridge.
SERIOUSLY?! I stomped my barefoot on the ground and sat down at the kitchen table, "Really." I asked.
"Yeah, just a few minutes ago." He responded, pushing past his brother, "Why? Need to give her something?"
"Nothing important," I sighed with my head on my hand, "Just make sure she gets it for me, yeah?"
"Sure thing." He agreed, pouring himself a drink. Frank suddenly entered the room and took a seat next to Liam.

I took notice of his green uniform, and name tag with a logo on it— he'd gotten a job?!
I smirked, pulling a leg up onto the chair as I watched him go to eat his breakfast, "Where are you working, dear Francis?" I asked with a slight bit of mockery in my tone. Not that he would pick up on that, he'd take it as pure sincerity.

"Why, my dear daughter-in-law," he started, turning around in his spot to elaborate, but the second eldest son cut him off.
"Don't ask," Ian advised.
"Yeah, really don't," Lip confirmed, before running back upstairs. I also took notice of the mini bruises on his arms, but I didn't have time to say anything.

Suddenly the basement door opened, the room filled with a disgusting scent. I grabbed what I could from my little tank top, and brought it to my nose as the smell of vomit hit the room. Everyone groaned, including Liam who gave his bigger brother a disapproving glance, "Ew! Smells like puke!"

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now