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"ALRIGHT! BE SAFE! There's money on the counter if you need it— and don't forget! I need to talk to you when I get back– so don't be going anywhere unless it's next door!" Veronica called as she left the house. "Okay! Love you, honey, I'm so proud of you!"

Kylie smiled and waved at her from the stairs before she rushed on up to the shower.

V was off to work her shift at the Alibi after spending the evening getting her nails done with Kylie to celebrate her win. Kev had to run after the game to take over from Svetlana as the two were growing suspicious of her and how she was hands-on she was with running the bar lately— almost as if she owned it.

But Kylie was too busy worrying about what color to get her nails. She and V had a nice little pamper sesh and she was ecstatic every time V voiced how proud she was of her.
The team had organized a celebration dinner afterward at some fancy restaurant, but had declined. She had things to sort out with a certain someone before he left and didn't tell her.

Kylie sat in her room, drying and straightening her hair in a fluffy white towel, and became uncomfortable when she realized how silent the house was. It was discomforting—  there had to be some kind of noise whether it crying babies or Kev screaming— even the headboard banging against the wall would reassure her nobody was going to break in and kidnap her.

. .. or the sound of someone currently climbing through her window?

She jumped her body around just in time to see a boy floor her ground as he wobbled on the frame of the window. Carl hit the ground with a bang. Kylie pulled her towel close and turned her straighteners off as she prepared herself to get her feelings off her chest.

"Uhh. . hey." He dusted his pants off as she stood at the end of the bed. "I uh, I wanted to talk to you."

"Great, let's talk then," she replied, interlocking her fingers together. "And I'm not doing the small talk or going easy, I just wanna know why you didn't tell me sooner about leaving for military school. And not two days before," she started with an offended tone.

Carl breathed out a sigh, accepting there was no beating around the bush, and sat on the foot of her bed.
"Well," he started, and then shrugged unknowingly, "I don't know. It's not something I knew I was going to do, it was an impulsive decision but a good one." He reasoned, looking at her with little guilt in his eyes- he really wished he had told her sooner. "Mr Luther gave me the idea and helped me get in, but it's not like I knew for months or even weeks that I was going, Ky. I was in two minds to go through with it because on one hand, I didn't want to leave you- I felt bad shipping myself off—"

"Carl I'm not mad you're going to military school," Kylie cut him off with a kindhearted smile, reassuring him she wasn't gonna go ham on him. "I'm happy for you. I'm proud you got in and proud you want to do something like that– I was just annoyed you told me so late. I would have appreciated our time more and probably not as argued with you as much," she snickered, looking around her room with arched eyebrows.
She also thought if he told her a little earlier and face to face then maybe she would have been let down a little easier.

"It's something I got to do," he said.

"Gotta be a big boy, now, huh," she smiled sadly. What the hell was she going to do without him? Who was she going to be stuck with at school? First Debbie and now Carl, she really was going to be a loner.

"Yeah, I have to be a big boy," he agreed, nodding subtly with a smile. "But y'know, it's not like I'm leaving forever. I get to visit occasionally and during the holidays– and I'm pretty sure it says somewhere that we get to write to our families every month or so." He tried to lighten the mood. "I'm not be gonna be gone long, K. Think of it as a little break or such."

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now