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THE GIRL'S FINGERS HESITANTLY reached for his shoulder to help balance her stance, her eyes closed shut and her mouth wandering open as she felt him dip his tongue inside, shooting heat through her body even more - she felt like she'd just melt to a puddle any second. He held her face with closed eyes when he pulled away for a moment to recollect, bringing his hand to cup the side of her face in the most gentle way he'd probably ever touched her, and pressed another soft, lasting kiss to her lips, and then another, and then another.

Carl pushed them both up with the force of his mouth on Kylie's, a groan escaping his lips as they kissed, sitting on the floor; hands reaching to garb the (partly) bare ankles of the brunette and pulled them over and past his hips, sending a muffled moan to slip past her lips and into his mouth. It prompted him only to go further. "Carl,"

She could feel his expression falter against her face in concentration, dragging his lips from her mouth to her jaw where she raked his teeth over the bone and touched her skin with his tongue, sucking the skin and causing the girl to blink hazily, her eyes drifting as she rolled her head back. "Carl," she reached for his face to stop him, hand cupping his jaw as the other pressed to the floorboards to steady herself and save her from falling back.

Moaning his name just urged him more and more to please her. Carl grabbed her hand and dropped it to his leg to stop her from keeping him back, as the other darted to the waistband of her plaid bottoms that made her ass look sen-sat-ion-al. Her back curved at the touch of his hand hitting her stomach and then slid into her pants; into her underwear and tickling the front of the smooth skin with fumbling fingers, itching to spread and expand out fully. Her body ached for it; her body instinctively acted in response to it, her bottom half inching closer for more friction from his fingers as she rocked her hips and got a snippet of that glorious feeling that was just the start of sending her over the edge into that euphoric feeling.

And then she was hit with the reality of what was going on. "CARL!"

Her hand clutched around his wrist, instinctively like an animal attack, freezing him in his movements and stalling the act that was about to play out next. Kylie's eyes shot open as Carl's eyes met them, his face conflicted as he looked at the girl he had his fingers up in His adam's apple bobbed, and if she had one, hers would have too as she gulped back her very, dry throat.

What the fuck, had she just done?

Kylie pushed herself off him, her breath catching in her throat as she stood up from the ground and backed away. Her hand fell to her stomach and the other shook to her mouth as she stood looking down at him on the ground, her heart going a million rates at a second. She felt the need to scream but her mouth was drier than it'd ever been, and the words came out hushed and croaky, "what did I just fucking do?"

The whisper echoed through the silence of the room, and the two now starred at each other with a confusing, guilt, and suspenseful-riddled gaze. Kylie could not believe what she just did — what almost just happened!

". . what the fuck?" Carl said slowly from on his back, hands held up in a surrender type of way. She'd jumped off him so quickly, he feared he'd done something wrong that was gonna result in a right-hook from the teen girl.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She yelled at him.

That really just happened.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now