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SITTING IN HER CELL, waiting to be released was an impatient little brunette with crossed legs. She was bouncing her knee up and down, filing her nails when an officer on duty suddenly stood before her cell.
He reached for the bars and swung out his keys before tearing open the gate, "well, you're free to go, Ander—"

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I know," the girl waved her hand about as she slipped out of the room.

Kylie Anderson walked down the same corridor in a familiar pair of clothes as she ignored all the different faces that watched her leave the room. She kept her face straight as she was pulled out of the hallway and into another room and then another- getting prepared to leave the facility behind.

She strutted out of the jail and put the front doors of the building, hopping down the steps outside where she was once again, greeted by no family members, like last time.
The girl made her way to the bar on foot, only having to take one bus to get home.
She had just spent the last four months in MCC Chicago, Federal Bureau of Prisons, serving her time until somebody had magically paid her bail money and granted her of freedom.

She had an anklet monitor locked around her foot and a scowl on her face as she entered and left a store with two packs of metal straws and an order of ice for the distributor to carry out. She then carried on with her journey which eventually left her back to Southside, where she felt like she had never left. Carrying her feet to the street of the Alibi, she wasted no time pushing open the door and thumping on into the bar. It was like she was never gone.

Kevin and V both looked up to the door at the same time and greeted her with different reactions.

"Ay! It's my oldest baby!"
"There she is."

Kylie looked to the two growling children in the corner she called her sisters and walked on over with the straws in her hand. "Good to see you too," she slammed them on the counter.

"You put in an order for me?"

"Counted down the days to say the words," she rolled her eyes as she reached for a bottle under the bar.

Veronica had visited her on her first day in prison and said nothing but, "I want a damn order placed when you come out," before leaving, showing how fussed she was over the situation.

News flash! She wasn't.
But Kylie returned the pettiness and actually put in an order for the bar. "Got your straws."

"Yay! Save the turtles!" Kev cheered with the twins, clearly trying to lighten the mood but Kylie shook her head dismissively. Kev dropped his arms and the girls went back to acting like wild animals.

Ever since Svetlana left, they acted like mini, reckless teenagers. Kev and V were convinced they only stayed in check when the Russian was around— afraid of her like everybody else, but ever since she left, the twins had gone rogue.

But now Kylie was back and she would
fill the void. She snapped her fingers and turned around in her seat, "hey! Stop fuckin' barking."

And just like that, the two piped down.

Kev looked at her and back at the two. V rolled her eyes and took the shot glass from her. "Don't swear at your sisters."

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now