~Chapter Fifteen~

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"But guys shouldn't we have a name for our group?" Yunho asked.

"Well there's 10 of us so should we keep a name like 10/10?" Seonghwa asked, making a weird face.

"Hyung that's just cringey." Yeosang  stated.

"Guys the talent show is literally tomorrow, we've practiced well but we don't even have a name??" Jongho said worriedly.

"H-How about Ateez?" Hayeon suggested.

"What on earth does that mean?" Yuqi asked.

"L-Like we're all teenagers and we represent teens from a to z? So the short form is Ateez? I-I'm sorry, that was stupid..." Hayeon said with her head lowered as she started fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Hey that's actually smart!" San exclaimed.

"That's my cousin!!" Hongjoong hugged Hayeon proudly.

"Yeah! Great idea, Hayeon!" Mingi smiled as he gave Hayeon a thumbs up.

"Ateez....not bad." Wooyoung said to himself quietly.

"Okay, so we're called Ateez and we're gonna be covering BTS's 'Spring Day'!" Hongjoong clarified.

"Yeah! And the dancers are me, Wooyoungie, Yeosangie, and Hayeon! The vocalists are Yuqi, Jongho, Seonghwa Hyung and Sannie, and the rappers are Hongjoongie Hyung and MinMin! We can do this!" Yunho cheered.

"Okay let's practice one more time!" Hongjoong announced


The day of the talent show came up and Hayeon was as nervous as ever. She did prefer dancing over singing to be perfectly honest, but she felt extremely nervous.

"Deep breaths, Yeonnie, deep breaths" Yuqi kept telling her.

After changing into her outfit (below), she went to her locker to put her excess accessories away.

She was about to close the door and start walking to the practice room when a certain voice stopped her

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She was about to close the door and start walking to the practice room when a certain voice stopped her.

"Hey new girl, don't even think about trying to pull some sort of clumsy stunt and fall on top of Wooyoung." She turned around to see her classmate Eunha and her little gang laughing at her.

"And don't you know, Wooyoung doesn't like girls like you so you don't even stand a chance!" Eunha's best friend Chaeyoon giggled.

Hayeon didn't say anything and just ignored them before quickly going to the practice room.

"You guys ready?" Hongjoong asked.

"We were born ready!!" San said enthusiastically.

"Yeah! We're gonna crush the stage!!" Wooyoung said just as enthusiastically as San.

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