~Chapter Four~

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"This is Wooyoung, my son. I hope he and your daughter can be great friends!" Mrs Jung said with a smile.

"And this is Hayeon. I hope the same for them!" Mrs Kim replied.

"Ok, you two go play." Mr Kim said as Wooyoung toddled up to Hayeon and held her hand.

He led her to his room and they both sat on the bed.

"What do you wanna play?" He asked as he dangled his legs.

"I dunno. What do you wanna play?" Hayeon asked, looking at the boy.

"I dunno either!!" Wooyoung started laughing as Hayeon joined him.

Hayeon admired Wooyoung's laugh, as it made her days brighter by just hearing it. The same goes to Wooyoung for Hayeon.

"Let's play hide and seek!!"

"A-Are you really going to D-Daegu...?" Wooyoung asked with a sad face and a pout on his lips.

"Yeah, but I promise we'll call each other!! And I hope I'll be able to see you if I ever have the time during summer vacation!!" Hayeon said as she hugged her best friend.

"P-Promise...?" Wooyoung asked as he held out his hand, waiting for Hayeon to seal the promise sign with hers.

"Of course. We'll be together forever and always, remember?? You're the one who always says that..." Hayeon said as they linked their pinkies and thumbs together.

"You're right." Wooyoung smiled, unaware that tears were falling down his cheeks.

"W-Wooyoung please don't cry..." Hayeon said as she wiped his tears with her hands.

"I-I can't help it! I'm really gonna miss you..." Wooyoung sobbed as he pulled Hayeon into another hug and sobbed uncontrollably into her shoulder.

"Hey, it's not like I'm going forever..." Hayeon said softly as she started stroking Wooyoung's hair.

"You better not be..."

The last day when Wooyoung and Hayeon thought they would see each other for the last time came quite quickly.

"Bye bye Wooyoung! Get home safely!"

"I-I will. And I promise I won't cry!!"

"Okay!" Hayeon giggled as Wooyoung's waved at her for the last time.

Wooyoung didn't really watch where he was going because he kept waving at Hayeon, wanting to keep her pretty face imprinted in his mind forever.

But we all know that disasters don't take time to happen.

"Wooyoung, watch out!!" Hayeon shouted as she heard a horn coming from Wooyoung's left.

But it was too late.

"WOOYOUNG!!" Hayeon screamed before running towards the road, not caring if she was in her pajamas.

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