~Chapter Thirteen~

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"And that's why he's probably acting like that towards you." Yeosang explained to Hayeon as the latter nodded.

"I understand."

"Sang, where are you??" Wooyoung called out.

"In the kitchen!"

"Oh, there you are! What are you-" Wooyoung said as he arrived at the kitchen but stopped once he met eyes with Hayeon.

"I'm sorry-" They both said at the same time.

"Hayeon, why are you sorry?" Yeosang asked.

"I must be reminding him of those girls..." She whispered so that only Yeosang could hear but Wooyoung heard it too.

"What girls?" Wooyoung asked.

"Nothing, let's go upstairs." Yeosang stood up and patted Wooyoung's back before wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

Hayeon watched them before standing up herself and following them.

"Where have you been?" Yuqi and Hongjoong asked in unison.

"We were just talking." Yeosang answered.

"For half an hour?" Seonghwa asked.

"You left us with an angry and worried Hongjoong hyung." Wooyoung said.

"S-Sorry..." Hayeon apologised.

"It's alright, just don't-"

"Hongjoong! Hayeon! We're home!"

"We'll be right back." Hongjoong said as he dragged his cousin downstairs to greet her parents.

"Are your friends here?" Mr.Kim asked.

"Y-Yeah, sorry about that..."

"It's fine! That explains the dozens of pairs of shoes outside!" Mrs.Kim giggled.

"Do you guys need anything?" Hayeon asked.

"No sweetie, you two can go back to your friends." Mr.Kim smiled as the two returned to Hayeon's room.

"Aunt and Uncle are home?" Mingi asked.

"Yeah. What should we do now?" Hongjoong asked.

"No idea." They all shrugged.

"Hey, I just got a text from my aunt saying that she and Kyungmin are going to the park. Maybe we could go there?" Wooyoung said as he looked up from his phone.

"Sure, let's go. I'm boooreeeeddd." San whined.

"Me tooooooooooo." Yunho, Mingi and Yuqi whined.

"Let's go then!" Hongjoong said as they all got up and started to leave the house.

"Aren't you all going to eat anything?" Mrs.Kim asked.

"Eomma, we're going to the park." Hayeon said.

"At least take some snacks with you." Mr.Kim said.

Hongjoong nodded and took a bag of snacks from his aunt before the group went outside.

"Oppa, let me hold it." Hayeon said as she reached for the bag of snacks.

"No no, it's fine!" Hongjoong said as he held the bag close to him.

"We're here." Wooyoung said.

"Hyungieeee!" Kyungmin said as he ran up to hug his brother.

"Hey Kyungmin, having fun?" Wooyoung smiled.

"Yup! I was playing with my friends! Now you can play with your friends too!" Kyungmin giggled as everyone else smiled at the precious boy.

"Do you wanna have a snack?" Wooyoung asked.

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