~Chapter Eight~

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"Wooyoung's out." Hongjoong said as he looked at the knocked out boy on the couch, who was snoring rather loudly.

Hayeon just sighed before she went to her room to change into more comfortable clothes.

"I'll go get some clothes from Yeosang's place." Hongjoong said before he left his cousin's house to go to his friend's one.

After Hayeon changed her clothes she went downstairs to see the black haired boy sleeping like a baby. She went up to him and just sat in front of him, analysing his features.

'It's definitely him, no doubt. He actually survived, huh?'

"Hayeon, what are you doing?" Hongjoong asked as he closed the door behind him.

"N-Nothing." Hayeon said as she stood up.

"I'm not carrying him to your room." Hongjoong crossed his arms.

"I didn't tell you to." Hayeon argued.

"Well, that makes things easier then. I'll go change. After that, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Let me change first then you'll know."

"Are we leaving him here then?" Hayeon said, pointing to Wooyoung.

"If you wanna drag him upstairs to your room, I ain't stopping you."

"You're so annoying..." Hayeon muttered under her breath.

Hongjoong just chuckled before going upstairs to change into Yeosang's clothes.

"What if he wakes up?" Hayeon asked as the they both sat on Hayeon's bed.

"He'll get a hangover I'm sure. You have any medicines for headaches?" Hongjoong sighed.

"Of course, Eomma gets them very frequently."

"Ok then."

"What did you want to talk about?"


"What about him?"

"Did you know him before or something?"

"I mean, I did have a friend named Wooyoung when I was in Ilsan..."

"Wooyoung used to live in Ilsan too. He was born there."

"I know, so was I."

"Was your Wooyoung friend loud?"

"Yeah..." Hayeon smiled as she remembered the moments she had with Wooyoung.

"Please don't be scared or anything but, did anything bad happen to your Wooyoung?"

Hayeon jolted her head up at her cousin's words. She squinted her eyes before hesitantly nodding.

"He got into a really bad accident..."

Hongjoong's jaw dropped. He was putting two and two together when they heard a loud knock at the front door. Both Hayeon and Hongjoong jumped in surprise before Hongjoong got up and opened the door, Hayeon behind him.

"Is Woo here?"

Both cousins let out a deep breath they didn't realise they were holding. They thought it would be Hayeon's parents but thankfully, it was only Yeosang. They both nodded before letting the blonde in.

"Damn, he's out cold. Good luck in taking care of him in the morning." Yeosang sighed.

"Thanks a lot man." Hongjoong said sarcastically.

"I know it's a lot, but can I stay here tonight? I had quite an earful from my parents and I don't wanna stay with them tonight." Yeosang rolled his eyes after talking about his parents.

"Of course!" Hongjoong said a bit loudly.

Hayeon put a finger on her lips, signalling for him to be a bit quiet.

"L-Let's go upstairs." She whispered.

The trio went to Hayeon's room.

"Can you explain what happened to your Wooyoung?" Hongjoong asked.

"S-Stop calling him my W-Wooyoung..." Hayeon said quietly as her cheeks went pink.

"Well he is your Wooyoung so I'll call him your Wooyoung." Hongjoong rolled his eyes.

"I'm lost, someone first explain why ya'll are talking about Woo. And since when he was Hayeon's?" Yeosang sighed, pointing to Hayeon.

"Well, what happened to the Wooyoung we know and the Wooyoung Hayeon knew is the exact same. Yeonnie said they even look identical. Both were born in Ilsan, both got into a bad accident when they were 12, and a lot more."

"So what you're saying is the Hayeon that Wooyoung wants to meet is the one that's your cousin, my new neighbour and classmate, that's sitting in front of us?" Yeosang asked, his head tilting to the side.


"Woo said he suffered from amnesia and couldn't even remember who his parents were. But his parents helped him and they mentioned the girl named Hayeon that was really close to him. He said he wants to meet her but she's right on front of us!" Yeosang smiled.

"Yeonnie, did you really not recognise him when you first met him after his accident??"

Both boys looked over to the girl who was crying silently, her hands covering her face.

"I-I was convinced h-he didn't m-make it..."

Hongjoong instinctively wrapped his arms around his cousin and rocked her back and forth. "There, there..."

"He's alright now, you don't have to worry about not seeing him anymore because you'll see him almost every single day." Yeosang said.

"B-But I-I'm scared. S-Scared of losing him again. I-I feel like I'm c-cursed because I never manage t-to have a long lasting friendship. I-I don't wanna lose you guys either. I made my mind up that I wouldn't make any friends anymore once I come here but you all are so nice I couldn't help but be friends with you. Plus, now I found my cousin and I don't wanna lose him again either..." Hayeon manages to say before crying even more, making Hongjoong's-I mean Yeosang's shirt that's on Hongjoong, wet.

"You're definitely not cursed, Hayeon. And you're bound to lose your friends one time or another." Yeosang said quietly.

Hayeon just nodded against Hongjoong's chest. Hongjoong yawned before hugging Hayeon and wiping her tears away.

"Let's get to bed, hmm? We've had quite a day."

The other 2 nodded.

"Yeonnie, you sleep on the bed and we'll sleep on the floor."

"N-No, you can sleep in Appa and Eomma's room." Hayeon said.

"Uhh, actually let's sleep in the guest room."

"Ok, hyung!"

"G-Goodnight, you two."


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