~Chapter Twenty-one~

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"Hey, I know you're not studying but as your best friend, I'm gonna drag you to the library so our parents don't kick us out of our houses if we fail in our final exams." Yeosang said, not giving Wooyoung a chance to interrupt while being on the phone.

"But my parents don't live with me though." Wooyoung tried to stifle in his laughter when he felt Yeosang's patience was being tested.

"I will literally burn that Jimin Hyung photoca-"


"Then be ready ready within 5 minutes, we're going to the library."

"Can we dye our hair later?"


"Yes you heard me right, Kang."

"Seriously? After a study session?"

"Yes. I heard Joong Hyung is tired of having strawberry hair for 2 years so now he wants blueberry hair."

"Alright. Since y'all suddenly wanna dye your hair, I'll just dye my hair back to black."

"You're no fun."

"I know, but you're still best friends with me."

"Haha yeah, meet you at the library in 10 minutes."

"See ya."

"Hey Yeonnie, Sangie said he and Woo will go to the library to study and then they'll dye their hair."

"Dye their hair?" Hayeon looked up at her cousin with a confused look.

"Yeah, that's what Yeosang said."

"Uhm okay, in that case, I'll dye my hair too!" Hayeon smiled.

"It hurts a lot though. Plus you have longer hair so I don't think you can tolerate the smell." Hongjoong went protective mode.

"Well Yuyu said it's all worth it though."

"Which one?"

"Number 1."


"No, Yuqi!"

"So confusing. Anyways, get ready. We'll head out in 5 minutes, I'll call Seonghwa so that I can also study with someone."

"I would've studied with Yuyu if she wasn't sick..." Hayeon pouted, "I hope she'll be able to study well with that fever..."

Hayeon got changed into this:

Then she left the house with Hongjoong, and later, Seonghwa

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Then she left the house with Hongjoong, and later, Seonghwa.

"Looking pretty as always, Yeonnie." Seonghwa complimented Hayeon the second he stepped out of his house

"Can you stop flirting with her? You know she loves Wooyoung for fuck's sake." Hongjoong deadpanned.

"You're just jealous, Joong Oppa." Hayeon giggled.

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