~Chapter Thirty~

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Hongjoong woke up to the smell of something burning. At first he brushed it off as the neighbours probably just having barbecue first thing in the morning. But when the smoke went straight through his nose and into his respiratory system, he immediately got up and started a coughing fit. He heard the fire alarm going off so he hurriedly ran downstairs to the kitchen.

There he saw his cousin with a newspaper in her hand trying to fan off the smoke that was forming all around the room. She was a coughing mess like he was and her eyes were all red.

"What the heck-" Hongjoong started coughing, "are you doing?"

"I was," Hayeon coughed too, "trying to make pancakes..."

Hongjoong sighed before walking over to her and looking pitifully at the supposed non-stick pan that now has pancake batter stuck all over it.

"Eomma's gonna kill me..." Hayeon pouted.

"Well, you were going to get yourself killed. What were you thinking??" Hongjoong glared at her.

"I-I just wanted to make pancakes for once. All I can do is pour milk and then cereal..." Hayeon lowered her head in embarrassment.

Hongjoong sighed but patted her head with a smile.

"It's alright, at least you tried. Do you know what went wrong?"

"I think I turned the stove on too high and went to the bathroom..."

"Okay then don't do that next time." Hongjoong painfully smiled.

Hayeon nods.

"Let's just have toast then."

"Why do you look like you've been crying over Wooyoung again." Yuqi said the moment she saw her best friend's bloodshot eyes.

"Shut up," Hayeon whined with a slight pout, "I tried making breakfast today..."

"I told you Kim Hayeon and cooking do not go together."

"I just wanna learn so that Hongjoong oppa won't always have to cook or order food."

"I understand, just keep practicing and don't give up! Tell you what, why don't we head over to your house so we can get a taste of your cooking??" Yuqi suggested as her eyes brightened up at her own idea.

"Are you sure? What if I end up killing one of you with my cooking?"

"Oh I'm sure it's not THAT bad..."

"If you say so. Don't blame me when you start choking, you asked for this yourself."

Yuqi giggled and smiled, "Alright."

"You're gonna cook?" Mingi smiled as his cousin invited the rest of the boys to Hayeon's house.

Hayeon nods, "I'm not sure it'll be good though..."

Wooyoung coughs as the memory of her making soup for him comes to his mind.

"It's alright, if you're the chef then it's bound to be good!" Seonghwa beamed, earning a glare from his best friend.

Hayeon smiled shyly.

"So when are we supposed to go?" San asked.



"So what are you going to make, Yeonnie?" Yunho asked.

"Uhm, I remember Wooyoung saying he liked my soup when I made it for him when he had a cold..." She nervously scratched the back of her neck.

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