~Chapter Seven~

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Hayeon felt someone pull her away from Yuqi. She was scared to see a guy pulling her towards a couch and pushing her on top of it.

Hayeon already had trouble with talking properly, now that a guy started hovering over her, she was so terrified that she couldn't form any words.

"L-Let me go..." She begged quietly.

"I don't think so cutie." The guy started to carress the side of Hayeon's face.

"There she is!!" Yuqi said as she pointed to Hayeon.

"Oi, who do you think you are?!" Mingi shouted as he pushed the guy off of Hayeon.

Yuqi immediately ran over to Hayeon, checking if anything happened to the girl. "You okay??" She asked worriedly.

Hayeon nodded. She looked at Mingi who was dragging the guy out of Yunho's house.

"Wanna get a drink??" Yuqi asked.

"O-Ok..." Hayeon said as she held Yuqi's hand tightly and went to the drinking table.

"Your first time drinking, right?" Yuqi asked.

Hayeon nodded before Yuqi gave her a small cup. "Try it."

Hayeon took a sniff and the smell was enough to make her dizzy.

"I-I'll pass..." She said, shoving to her cup away from her.

"Ok. I'm gonna get some for the boys. Stay here and don't move, unless another guy tries to hit on you." Yuqi said as she went away from Hayeon, leaving the girl worried.

Suddenly she felt someone's chest against her back, leaning down on her, causing her to also lean down. The person trapped her between their arms by placing their hands on the table in front of her.

'Not again...'

Hayeon hesitantly and timidly turned her head to see Wooyoung staring at her with the brightest expression she's ever seen from him so far. The boy smiled and winked at her before pulling her into a warm hug.

'Ugh, he smells like alcohol...'

Hayeon tried her best not to throw up. But she was beyond confused why Wooyoung just randomly came up to her and hugged her.

"You're back!!" He said before pulling away from the hug.

"Huh?" Hayeon looked at him with a confused look.

"I really missed you Hayeon!!" Wooyoung smiled.

"W-What? W-Wooyoung, are you okay??" She asked worriedly, looking at the boy who normally doesn't even speak to her.

"Of course I'm okay! I'm even better because you're here!!" Wooyoung's cheekbones were probably gonna hurt later from all the smiling

Hayeon blushed. 'He's definitely not okay...'

"Hey hyung, Yeosang hyung is calling you." Jongho said as he approached the pair.

"Yeosangieeeeeeeee!" Wooyoung screamed before running off to the said male.

"Allow me to explain what happens to our dear Wooyoungie hyung when he gets drunk. May I?" Jongho said politely before sitting next to Hayeon.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears."

"Ok so basically he starts screaming but that's totally normal. Then he says a certain Hayeon left him to go to Daegu or something and I think because your name is Hayeon too, he's 1024 times crazier today. That's probably why he said he missed you because your name is Hayeon. But the next day, he forgets what happened the day before and also about this Hayeon girl. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I don't understand this myself." Jongho slightly bowed to Hayeon.

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