~Chapter Six~

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"Guys, my birthday is in three days!!" Yunho squealed.

"So?" Mingi, San and Yeosang asked.

"So, we're having a party at my place!!"

"Yessss, I've been waiting to get drunk and wasted for months!!!" Wooyoung screamed.

"Woo, don't drink too much, got it?" Yeosang sighed.

"Of course not, you know I have a high alcohol tolerance, Sangie..." Wooyoung pouted as he lied.

"You literally turn into into a completely different person after having 3 sips..." Yunho sighed.

"And I don't wanna drag you home like the last time you got drunk..." Mingi sighed too.

"Me neither." San sighed as well.

"What party are we talking about?" Yuqi asked, Hayeon following her.

"My birthday party!" Yunho clapped.

At the sound of party, Hayeon shivered and backed away.

"Cool!! Your birthday is on the 23rd, right??" Yuqi asked as Yunho nodded vigorously.

"You two are coming, aren't you??" San asked.

"Of course!" Yuqi cheered.

"U-Uhm, actually-" Hayeon was about to say but got interrupted by Hongjoong slamming the desk right next to Hayeon, making the latter jump in fear.

"You never got drunk, have you?" He asked, squinting his eyes at his younger cousin.

Hayeon timidly shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure aunt and uncle will kill me if I let you get drunk at a birthday party..." Hongjoong rubbed his temples.

"Hey, she's bound to get drunk some day!" Seonghwa approached the group and wrapped his arms around Hongjoong's shoulder.

"Plus she's legal." Jongho added.

"B-But I-I don't really want to-"

"You don't wanna go??" Yuqi asked, holding Hayeon's hand.

"Pwease Hayeonie, for me. You're my friend, aren't you??" Yunho asked with puppy eyes while holding Hayeon's other hand.

Hayeon thought Yunho's eyes were the cutest she's ever seen, second to Wooyoung's, of course. And she fell for cute things easily so she couldn't help but agree to Yunho's request, even though he asked whether they were friends or not.

"O-Ok I'll go B-But I won't dance or anything..." Hayeon stuttered out, holding her hands up in defence.

"And you're not drinking." Hongjoong added.

"But aunt and uncle are on a short business trip at the moment." Yeosang raised his hand.

"How do you know?" Hongjoong said as he leaned towards the blonde suspiciously.

His protectiveness was getting higher by every second.

"I'm her neighbour, hyung. Plus I have to walk her from our houses to school and back." Yeosang stated.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that..." Hongjoong scratched the back of his neck.

"So are you going or not?" Mingi asked Hayeon in a softer voice than he usually talks to her with.

"I-I don't know really..." Hayeon sighed.

"You're going and that's final. I'll pick you up for the party ok?" Yeosang sighed.

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