~Chapter Eighteen~

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(This chapter contains a few mature scenes, you can skip them if you want)

After about 4 days from their visit to the Kangs' place, Mr. and Mrs.Kim went on their business trip, leaving Hongjoong and Hayeon to have the house all to themselves.

"Hey Yeonnie, Hwa invited me over to his place for a sleepover, you'll be alright on your own, yeah?" Hongjoong asked while they were having their breakfast.

"I've been alone in the house millions of times, I'll be fine." Hayeon answered.

"If you're scared or anything, you can just go to Yeosangie's place."

"I don't think I need to but ok Oppa."

Once they finished having their breakfast, they grabbed their bags and headed for college.

"See you later Yeonnie!" Hongjoong waved as he went to his classroom.

"See you!" Hayeon waved as well.

After their classes and after having lunch, Hayeon went to get her books in her locker alone since Yuqi doesn't have the same class as her then.

Hayeon closed her locker and turned around to become face to face with the guy that dragged her away from Yuqi at Yunho's birthday party.

"Well hey there again, cutie." He smirked.

Hayeon gulped and thought of what she should do.

'Just kick him in the shin and get to class.'

'No, that'll hurt him and you'll get detention!'

As you can tell, she was having an internal battle with her own self that she didn't realise the guy pinned her to the lockers.

"I asked for your name babygirl." He leaned closer to her face.

"H-H-Hayeon..." She looked down.

"Pretty name....I'm Eunjo, and you'll be screaming that name soon." He smirked evilly as he grabbed Hayeon's chin to make her look into his eyes and he leaned in closer.

"P-Please let me go..." Hayeon closed her eyes in fear.

"Just let me have a little fun before your class." He said mistily before Hayeon felt his lips on hers.

Her eyes jolted open and she struggled against his grip but Eunjo put all of his weight on her so that she couldn't move an inch.

Meanwhile, a certain pair of boys just happened to be crossing them.

"Well, I actually think that-" Yeosang's sentence was cut off by Wooyoung putting his hand in front of him, stopping his from talking and walking.

Yeosang looked where Wooyoung was burning holes with his eyes and his own eyes widened in surprise.

"I-Isn't that Ha-" Yeosang whispered quietly but couldn't complete his sentence once again because Wooyoung angrily turned away and started walking the opposite direction at full speed.

"They're all the fucking same....every one of them..." Wooyoung muttered through gritted teeth.

"Woo wait up!" Yeosang whisper-shouted while trying to catch up with him.

Wooyoung slowed down only just a little bit until Yeosang caught up with him.

"Hey you don't really think that was Hayeon, do you?" Yeosang asked.

"I don't know but it seemed like her. Not many girls in our school have black hair and bangs and is 5'5"." Wooyoung rolled his eyes.

"Do you think that was her boyfriend?"

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