~Chapter Ten~

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"So class, I'm going to arrange you into pairs for your assignment! It's going to be about global warming. It should be easy, right?" The teacher said.

"We've been studying this for the last three years..." Yunho groaned.

"I know right." Mingi sighed.

"Ok, so the first pair is Jung Wooyoung and Kang Yeosang." The teacher said as she adjusted her glasses before ticking the paper on her clipboard.

Wooyoung and Yeosang literally hugged the life out of each other and then high fived.

"Yessss, finally! A great partner!" Wooyoung wrapped his arms around his best friend.

Hayeon was literally praying thay she would end up with Yuqi.

"Jeong Yunho and Seo Changbin!"

"Song Mingi and Choi Yeonjun!"

"Song Yuqi and Kim Doyeon!"

Hayeon pouted. Yuqi sent her a 'sorry, I can't do anything about it' look.

"Kim Hayeon and Choi San!"

Hayeon's jaw dropped as she turned her head to see the boy, smiling brightly with his dimples prominent.

"Yay! We're gonna do great!" San said as he held his fist in front of Hayeon's hand, expecting a fist bump.

Hayeon gently bumped her fist with San's, unaware that Wooyoung was probably burning holes in their hands.

"So should we start working in your house or mine?" San asked.

Hayeon shrugged.

"I think it's better if you go to her house. Because after finishing our work, we can have fun!! Plus, Joong hyung will be there!" Wooyoung said, smiling.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Hongjoong used to live in an apartment with one of his classmates (not Seonghwa). Now he's living with his cousin.

"Yeahhh, Joongie hyung can help us!!" San clapped.

"So ya'll are gonna have fun without us?" Yunho said as he and the Song cousins pouted.

"Afraid so." Yeosang said.

"Hayeon, we're intruding your house today." Mingi said.


"San open the door, would ya!" Hongjoong shouted as San groaned and got up to answer the door.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?" San asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I got paired with Joong for our science project for the 4th time in my entire life..." Seonghwa sighed.

"Is that a bad thing?" Joong came into the living room with his hands on his hips.

"No, but why is fate always trying to make me end up with you??" Seonghwa whined.

"It all started with that tarot card reading!" Hongjoong sighed.

"You two are totally meant to be! This is why we call you our mom and dad!!" San said as he clapped his hands together.

"Ugh, shut up." The oldest two rolled their eyes.

Hayeon giggled at their little argument before calling San to continue their work.

"Let's gerrrrit!" San screamed suddenly, which almost scared the life out of Hayeon.

"WASSUP DUDES AND DUDETTES!" Wooyoung screamed as he burst open the door, a facepalming Yeosang and Jongho behind him.

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